Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Per HOAX "we are on a war footing and I am a wartime president". Chickensh** coward is more like it. We got not a COMMANDER IN CHIEF. DO WE?
Everything just has to be about him. No matter how bad things get, he always finds a way to make himself sound important. he can't admit when he's in over his head. he can't admit he doesn't know it all. he can't admit he's wrong or that he made a mistake. Its this arrogance that causes so much grief in this country.
At the today update he reverted back to the snake he is and ATTACKED the media. Dumbsh** chickensh** jacka** HOAX. He is what he is and that is all he is and that is to say not much. Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :)