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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Well well well. The mike of pompousa** jacka** also calls it the CHINESE VIRUS. Marching orders from the head HOAX right? DISGUSTING!:(

Well well well. The mike of pompousa** jacka** also calls it the CHINESE VIRUS. Marching orders from the head HOAX right? DISGUSTING!:(

He too is at the same level as is the HOAX. Feathered birds...for the birds..frolic and flock together.  How swell.

Posted - March 20, 2020


  • 35071
    It did come from China.   And it is China who is lied and hid it.  And are trying to claim USA created it and then released it in China. 

    Ever hear of:

    West Nile Virus
    Marburg Virus  Disease
    Lyme Disease
    Legionnaire’s Disease
    Spanish Flu?

    All named where they were found.

      March 20, 2020 10:41 AM MDT

  • 555
    I still think China must accept the greater share of the blame for repeatedly failing to shut down their disgusting "wet markets" despite incontrovertible evidence that they are breeding grounds for novel viruses.

    These links, if you have a strong stomach, give you a little more of the background:

    But again this absolutely must not be used as a smokescreen for the dreadful complacency and systemic failings in the way Western governments have dealt with the crisis.

      March 20, 2020 12:50 PM MDT

  • 113301
    It started in China and spread because it is very transmittable. Other viruses have started in the Orient as well. But they did not create it or invent it. For the HOAX to insist on calling it the Chinese virus is RACIST HATEFUL and very DANGEROUS. Where did the black plague start or the Spanish flu? We don't ascribe the country origin to any of them to my knowledge. Leave to the dumba** stupid dumb jacka** HOAX to do that. He will never miss an opportunity to promulgate HATE. We should not indulge him in that in my opinion. His toady sycophant cabinet always indulges him and mikepompousa** referred to it as 'the Chinese virus" lest the HOAX fire him or banish him and just sit on him and kill him. Thank you for your reply Rev! :) This post was edited by RosieG at March 20, 2020 1:38 PM MDT
      March 20, 2020 12:59 PM MDT

  • 35071
    SPANISH FLU is called Spanish Flue because they started reporting deaths from it in SPAIN.   See my answer above for diseases named after where they originated
      March 20, 2020 1:24 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I asked a question about MERS and SARS. Did you see it and read it? Why wasn't MERS referred to as the Saudi Arabian flu? Do you know? Thank you for your reply. The day you ever concede that the HOAX is a dumba** hateful jacka** is the day I will die with joy. Thank you for your m2c. SIGH.
      March 20, 2020 1:40 PM MDT

  • 35071
    I would not want you to die even from joy....
      March 20, 2020 1:41 PM MDT