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Why does the STUPID DUMB jacka** HOAX insist on called COVID 19 "the Chinese Virus"?

The SPANISH FLU did not originate in was France China or Britain
MERS began in Saudi Arabia.. no one calls it the "Saudi Arabian virus"
SARS might have started in China but we do not refer to it as "the China Virus"
The BLACK DEATH(BLACK PLAGUE) orginiated in China but we do not refer to it as the CHINA virus

So why does the dumba** jacka** INSIST PERSIST DEMAND that COVID 19 be labeled the "china virus"?

It is illogical unreasonable and manifestly RACIST. Don'tcha think?

Elsewise otherwise every virus originating in China should be labled as do you tell them apart?

How about the HOAX virus which has infected every single adoring worshipper of dumb don..without exception.
They all suffer from the Donald John Trump VIRUS. DJT VIRUS. Dumb don virus. HOAX virus.


Posted - March 20, 2020


  • 35071
    We have a long history of names diseases after the region they were found:

    West Nile Virus ( West Nile District of Uganda)

    Ebola (Ebola River in Zaire)
    Marburg Virus  Disease (Marburg Germany)
    Lyme Disease (Lyme Connecticut)
    MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome)i
    Legionnaire’s Disease (American Legion convention in Philadelphia)
    Valley Fever (San Joaquin Valley of California)
    Zika (Zika Forest in Uganda)
    Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (Rocky Mountains of USA)
    Norovirus (Norwalk, Ohio)
    Guinea Worm (Guinea Coast)
    Lassa Fever (Lassa Nigeria)
    Spanish Flu  (Deaths originally reported in Spain originally)

    And many, many more....

    If they want to claim US created it and released it on them.  After they refused to inform or let others help....the can deal with the name. 

      March 20, 2020 1:40 PM MDT