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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Very thin very tricky tightrope Dr. Fauci walks daily. Correcting the lies HOAX says without embarrtassing him. Does HOAX have a clue? k

Very thin very tricky tightrope Dr. Fauci walks daily. Correcting the lies HOAX says without embarrtassing him. Does HOAX have a clue? k

The minit he figgers it out Dr. Fauci is toast history a footnote gone.

The HOAX is very slow to comprehend understrand grasp what is going on. Mostly no one gave a sh**. NOW it is essential to correct his lies on the spot because WORST CASE people could die.

Let's see how long it take for the HOAX to realize he is being made to look the fool he is. No one ever gave hia gold star for KNOWING anything.

Posted - March 22, 2020
