Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» A MASTER KEY unlocks all locks. Why can't we develop a UNIVERSAL vaccine that will protect us from all disease? Possible one day futurely?
"Disease" is a broad term. There are respiratory diseases, foot diseases, skin diseases, fungal diseases, bacterial diseases, virus diseases, mental diseases ... the list goes on and on. Simply put, athlete's foot isn't the same type of disease as, say, cancer (fungal versus genetic); a UTI isn't the same type of disease as the flu (bacterial versus viral); and Alzheimer's isn't the same as chicken pox. The treatment for each disease is different. You wouldn't use antifungal cream to treat dementia, would you? Might find it rather hard to apply. Diseases like cancer are different in each body. Each person's DNA makes teh cancer in their body unique - even though that cancer may be the same in another person. Simply put, a "cure" for one person's cancer must be specific to their DNA... and everyone's DNA is unique. Protections for diseases like the flu (your annual flu shot) arent cure-alls either. They may make one less susceptible to getting that particular strain of the flu, but it is by no means a cure-all. Viruses and bacteria love to mutate. We may find something that knocks a virus down,but then it mutates into another form that our "cure" doesn't touch. Bacteria are already mutating to get around our antibioticas.
No, a universal vaccines are tings that only exist in science fiction stories. The real world is too complicated.
All things are possible Shuhak to those who believe. You don't KNOW for sure. All you can do is opine based on the information/knowledge you have AT THIS TIME. Sorry m'dear but I couldn't disagree with you more. What we have in today's world would have been unthinkable unimaginable impossible way back when. But we are here today enjoying those IMPOSSIBLE things. What makes you think that won't continue occurring through time when hundreds of years hence if humankind survives they will be living in a world they take for granted surrounded by things we think is impossible? So we disagree. No worries. I DON'T KNOW FOR SURE and neither do you so you could be right but so could I. Thank you for your thoughtful reply. Sadly we won't be here to see which of us was right! At least I don't think we will. On the other hand?......
You're right. I only know how things work today. Who knows what people will do in the future. When I was young, stuff I saw on Star Trek seemed impossible (but neat). Today a lot of that stuff actually exists ... and more! Handheld communicators capable of reaching around the world. Electronic writing tablets. Any and all information at out fingertips. We can tell "the computer" to do something for us (although we don't say, "computer", we sai, "Siri" or "Alexa").
((hugs)) That's one of the things I most value about you Shuhak. You never seem to mind saying "you're right"! For which I thank you. I think maybe perhaps of all my Answermug pals we are most assuredly/clearly cut from the same cloth. Generations apart but it doesn't matter at all. One of the advantages of the internet. Blind interaction based on a mind meld....Like SPOCK? Thank you for your thoughtful reply m'dear. I wonder what the world will be in 30 years? I won't be here as me but well maybe I will be here as someone else. Depends on lotsa stuff. :) As far as talking to inanimate machines? I HATE THAT. I REFUSE TO DO THAT. Color me old fashioned but I'll be dagnabbited if I talk to something that isn't flesh and blood. Not ever gonna happen if I have anything to say about it!! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at March 27, 2020 12:18 PM MDT