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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Allegedly that inane doctor dame who speaks after Dr. Fauci speaks used to be respected. She blew all that by a**kissing HOAX. Futurely?

Allegedly that inane doctor dame who speaks after Dr. Fauci speaks used to be respected. She blew all that by a**kissing HOAX. Futurely?

She has lost all credibility in the scientific community by waxing poetic about how wel HOAX grasps the scientific data and integrates it. Bullsh** horsesh** chickensh* cowsh**!

What happened to her or was she always a flake and just faked pholkes fokes folks out and hid it well? How many careers has HOAX destroyed and reputations? More to come. Stay tuned. The more he does it the easier it gets for him Bodies to the right of him. Bodies to the left of him. And nary a drop to drink.

Posted - March 29, 2020
