Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » FAUX news fears being sued for playing down the virus. People who believed them dying? Think they will be BURIED in lawsuits?

FAUX news fears being sued for playing down the virus. People who believed them dying? Think they will be BURIED in lawsuits?

FAUX news audience is mainly OLD PEOPLE who are most at risk so the incidence of their dying because HOAX said it was a hoax is clearly worrisome.

Are you an old at-risk HOAX adoring worshipper? Howya doin'? Coughing? Fever? Can't breathe?

Posted - March 29, 2020


  • 19937
    I'm definitely in the age-related high-risk group, but without underlying conditions.  No symptoms at all, but I'm aware that at least two people in my office, both on my floor, have tested positive.  We have a very long floor, so it could have been someone on the other side with whom I would not come into much contact.  Their last day in the office was March 13.  My last day in the office was March 19 and except for a half day of food shopping, I've be indoors since.  Assuming I was in contact with either of them on the 13th, it is now two weeks and I would think if I were ill, I would have exhibited some symptoms already.

      March 29, 2020 4:10 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Gosh that's a bit worrisome L though since it's been two weeks I think you're safe. I hope you STAY SAFE. I'm adjusting how I pay bills. Used to go to Mail Depot to pay electric and gas because I'd get a receipt which I like. But they changed their hours to open at 10:30 and only 3 are allowed in the store at a time. Not my cuppa tea so I'm just gonna mail the checks from now on. I do have to go to two banks. Chase to pay our monthly rent and BofA to deposit any checks.Neither of them has a drive through. I also pay my VISA bill then but I can certainly pay that by mail too. The HOAX now is accusing hospitals of selling masks and hoarding ventilators. That SOB can 't stop crap even though people are dying. I believe there will be a special place for him in the hereafter down under on the right hand of the devil. No better acolyte the HOAX. Thank you for your reply! :)
      March 31, 2020 5:10 AM MDT

  • 19937

    At this point, I'm no longer worried about anyone in my office.  Now I just have to be concerned when I need to go to a store for food, which I did this morning.  I went out at 7:30 AM and felt like I was sneaking around. :)  Got almost all of what I needed and what I didn't get I can do without.  No TP or paper towels to be had.  Good thing I had plenty already. 

    All of my income is direct deposited and all of my expenses are paid on line.  The only time I have to go to a bank is if I need cash.  I can do the ATM drive-through.  

    Trump's comments about hospitals selling masks and hoarding ventilators is one of the most despicable things I've ever heard.  The, again, I would expect nothing less from that piece of garbage.  Happy Tuesday. :)

      March 31, 2020 10:14 AM MDT