The last time I was out of the house was before they were telling us to wear masks. I have one, so if I go out and I'm going to be near people (supermarket comes to mind), I will wear it.
I haven't been out of my yard since March 10th. My sister made masks for everyone in our family (she's a retired seamstress). If I have to venture beyond these confines, I will wear it.
You do know how lucky you and I and our ilk are right? We VALUE and SEEK and REQUIRE solitude. So the social aspect of this is far less harmful. I mean of course it is very inconvenient when you run out of something and have to go to the store. I'm building my next list. Eggs is all that's on it right now. Milk will be the next thing in a couple of days. Jim is going stir-crazy. Poor guy. But being alive and well beats everything else! Thank you for your reply Shuhak. Your Ace in the hole is your sister. Glad she's there and so close to you! :)
Staying home more. But I am going to work sime. Just us. We are closed. But we have to work to get stocked for when they lift the stay at home orders. We are planning to have our biggest month ever.
(We are allowed to be on the premises as long as less than 10 people. Most we have is 4 and we are all in the same house to start with)