I am just playing devil's advocate, something I do a lot. But, if we take this current situation, which I am guessing plays on your mind at present. SO, all of us in the UK are kept home, only essential journeys allowed. Domestic violence will be intensified, people will suffer untold misery and harm as a result. Child abuse, I personally know a lovely young person who has a violent, abusive stepfather.. I can only imagine the horrors she is enduring right now :(. Then what about all those who have lost their job, cannot afford food for their children? Cat food is getting really hard to buy,... dead cats and dogs? Suffering? What about those who suffer from claustrophobia? What about those who have mental health issues.. again I know people who will directly be suffering right now, unable to go out and in the absence of that are facing increasing worrying thoughts and mental ill-health...
Garden centre owners.. here we are a nation of gardeners, we spend tons on our gardens each year and this is the busiest time of year - garden centres make most of their money over the Easter weekend..but now they are all shut.. all those plants they spent months growing will not be sold now... businesses will die...
The economy shouldn't ever be placed above people but ultimately, it's the economy that has to support people.. old people in care homes, the NHS here, those people who have lost their jobs because of this... what if the economy collapses.... educations, free school meals, social care... all those things suffer...
One could, devil's advocate style say that in effect we are ALL suffering real hardship, some more than others, for a relative few.
Many fall back on this platitude. I am not a fan of platitudes. In this case I totally resolutely absolute and compl.etely disagree. But that's just me. I often take apart platitudes and examine them for their intrinsic value and I find they have no value at all. Broken down into a pile of words put together to "sound" clever and profound and astute but they really mask the fact that there is no there there. Again all I have to go with is my mind my opinion my observation. What I say is true for me is not necessary true for thee or others. It's what I do. QUESTION EVERYTHING. Try to find the logic and truth in things to the best of my ability. Now CANCER will kill you. The cure hopefully can save you. It saved my life. So I have personal experience with cancer that the cure is NOT WORSE THAN THE DISEASE. I cannot shut off the logical part of my mind. It often gets me into trouble. Everyone has a right to believe what makes sense. In fact how can anyone do otherwise? Thank you for your reply.
This post was edited by RosieG at April 9, 2020 5:16 AM MDT
Yes, platitudes are annoying.. I think it will always be a matter of perspective though as to whether us all sitting in our houses and the curtailment of normal life is worse than the cure. For many that price, will be too high, there will be others who die or have their life ruined because of the lockdown - for those people perhaps the cure is worse than the disease. They do say the majority who get it will either show no symptoms or only mild symptoms.. so for them the price is perhaps too high.
I am thinking not of platitudes myself... I am thinking of real people and I know that some are paying a very high price, arguably more than the price of the cure. I also remembered all the teenagers I know, who were expecting to take their exams in May/June - their whole school career has led up to this point, now they are told they cannot sit the exams.. the result will be estimated instead.. and for some that's a disaster. They will be able to sit the exam in November if they disagree with the estimate.. but.. having had no teaching... that might not go well. This will affect their whole future - seriously as no matter what age you are here, you do have to have maths and English GCSEs or it will hold you back forever in certain fields.
Re cancer... well, the good thing is that now there are more choices re treatment and very fortunately many people don't die, but the choices aren't so simple either.
There's nothing wrong with logic! I am very much into logic too, which is kinda why I post the replies I do.
Correct - but can I just add, that it's that the side effects *can* include an increased risk of suicide. This is usually in the first 6 weeks while the medication is stabilising. So fortunately, not everyone suffers from this side effect and for many ultimately, it does save their life too. Just a small correction but I wanted to be accurate on that.
True. But many needing those meds do not stay on the regular so the meds have to stabilize more than once. Then there is what they do to a person's kidneys. I know lithium is a guarantee of kidney dialysis need after 25-30 yrs.