I once knew a gal who was a freckled, curly-haired redhead; with a VERY "bubbly" personality. She got cancer and lost all her hair (and her freckles). Thankfully, she survived and her hair grew back ... but midnight black, and straight. Though her personality was just as "bubbly" as before, people who didn't know her before didn't expect it - because of her "serious" hair.
Hair color changed when it grew back in? Mine didn't. After the bald my straight hair grew back in NATURALLY CURLY. It didn't last alas. I got so excited because I always wanted to have curly hair. Well I got a chance to know what that was like but it grew back in the same exact color...salt and pepper gray since I was 70 when I got the cancer and lost my hair. I wonder how often hair color changes as drastically as that? Thank you for the share Walt. It's kinda very interesting. :)