The gut/arse white house performer PAYS his multitude of g.d. SOB'S with OUR MONEY!
OUR TAX DOLLARS are used to pay his vile appointees to make our lives as mizerable as they can while they can and he pays them royally WITH OUR MONEY!
The gut/arse white house performer pours salt in the wounds he creates every day and does whoopy dances naked by the fire as people dye die dye die dye die die. He is made of PURE evil and adoringly worshipped by those societal rejects misfits dimwits. They are a multitude and growing. See them naked gyrating to the music of the devil starting fires and joyfully watching them consume everything. A playground for perverts. A party for the hearty deathers.
A Stephen King horror story? Sadly no.
The gut/arse white house performer's daily ritual.