The bigliest threat was thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of immigrants crossing the border. REMEMBER? BUILD THE WALL was all y'all spoke about or thought about. What happened to you? Got diverted distracted misdirected? Didn't mean what you said at all? It was just more bogus crap you spread like manure?
Are Y'ALL as wishy washy as the gut/arse white house performer? Flits around promising this and that and then retracting and walking it back. CRY WOLF often enough when there is no wolf present and guess what happens? When the wolf shows up it eats you up because no one gives a dam* what you say since you cannot be trusted.
Fine kettle of fish y'all created with your wanton promiscuity. Shape up or ship out. FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS!
Send her back
Build the wall
Make amurrica great again
Whassamatta you? What else ya got to think about?