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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I fully expect gut/arse guy to Executive Decide that everyone everywhere must get out of the house and congregate. OR ELSE?

I fully expect gut/arse guy to Executive Decide that everyone everywhere must get out of the house and congregate. OR ELSE?

They will go to prison. They will be fined or their social security will be stopped. The gestapo will appear at your door and order you out and about. No more social distancing. You'd better be touching others all the time and shaking hands and coughing and sneezing and breathing on one another. You will be watched and tracked and documented and fined if you resist.

Oh frabjous joy! We are back again to being whom we used to be. Soaring deaths and bodies piling up which we step over and around and pestilence will be evident in all the rodents crawling over the dead bodies. But who cares? A small price to pay for LIBERTY and FREEDOM! Our constituional right to be stupid dumb. How dare anyone try to take that away from us?

Posted - April 18, 2020
