Not necessarily to revengiate retaliate like the gut/arse guy. Rather to put things right that went awry. So much is awry with the advent of the gut/arse guy. So much is wrong that should be made right. If it cannot occur on this plane plain of existence then on the next plane plain. Universal justice. Reciprocity. Getting what you deserve to get back based on what you dished out your entire life. No passes. No pardons. No Deus ex Machina. No do-overs. No mulligans. No miracles. JUSTICE. Simple JUSTICE. What is FAIR. The evildoers will receive back all the evil they threw out there time ten times ten again!. Cast thy bad deeds upon the waters and they shall be returned to thee tenfold a thousand fold a googolplex fold. Might is never right. Might is a blight to be exterminated. The mighty will fall. HARD. Wait for fate to step in and take over. You can run but you cannot hide from fate.