That will come too. His blame is scattershot everywhere in deep desperation because IT IS ON HIS WATCH. HE REFUSED TO LISTEN TO OR READ INFORMATION PROVIDED TO HIM TWICE IN JANUARY.
It is all on HIM and NO ONE BUT HIM which is why his desperation is growing spreading deepening heightening lowering. He will blame others as well. He cannot not. He cannot absorb his awful place in history so he blames and whines and whinya**es his way through each day desperate to convince others of his INNOCENCE. MY oh my how he do whine how he do cry how he do yellowbelly through life. Not me. Not my fault. Not me.
ME ME ME ME ME ME ME when it suits me. NOT ME NOT ME NOT ME NOT ME when that suits me better.
GAG gags dependably. Word and deed are gag-worthy and GAG always never fails to deliver.
The a-hole-in-chief cannot - will not- accept blame for his own incompetence.
- he knew this was coming (his own people told him so) - and did nothing but point fingers at democrats and gloat about himself.
- he had 3 years to fix any "bare cupboards" left by the Obama Administration - yet he did nothing to fix it, choosing rather to play golf and crows about how awesome he is.
- he has a chance to look good by actually doing something constructive for the nation - instead he continues to lie, place blame on everyone else, and scream I can do whatever I want to as I'm a king!
- he is so interested in money that he wants to reopen the country NOW, despite want anyone tells him, and despite what happened in other countries who tried to reopen too soon – he cannot comprehend anything other than money.