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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » How is it that OUR RIGHTS are always trampled/shoved aside by the feathered like minded ilk of "the other"? Whose right is righter?

How is it that OUR RIGHTS are always trampled/shoved aside by the feathered like minded ilk of "the other"? Whose right is righter?

The right of might?
The right of sucker upper
The right of LIAR
The right of a** butt kisser
The right of girly man GAG adoring worshipper
The right of red over blue
The right of me over you or oppositely

Why is it always YOUR RIGHT that gets attended to first and MY right gets completely ignored? HOW IS ANY OF THAT RIGHT?

Posted - April 20, 2020


  • 2706
    The ones who are right, Republican or Democrat, are those who swear to uphold the Constitution and do just that in an uncompromising and unwavering manner. Unfortunately, that is a rarity today because too many politicians are more worried about destroying each other than to abide by the Constitution and working together to make this a better place for all of us to live and prosper in. The vindictive, vengeful, and caustic hatred displayed by politicians and many citizens, in general, is a disgusting and disturbing thing to witness.
      April 20, 2020 11:25 AM MDT