Florida is a good bet due to stupid gubnor sucker upper. But other red states and gubnors too are stupid dumb and so whichever one has the biggest infection percentage INCREASE and most especially the hugest number of DEATHS due to stupid dumbs opening up again WINS!
Come one come all to the greatest biggest bestest mostest STUPID DUMB lottery in history! Place yer bets. You could make a bigly bundle on this. It's not fixed. The stupid dumb is natural to them so rigging is not needed. All on their own the stupid dumb gubnors in the stupid duimb red states will naturally stupid dumb their way to the win. The gaggles live in red states so GAG has a sure thing riding on them. GAG and gaggle hand in hand as infections rise and more die. Good on ya! Good job. KEEP IT UP stupid dumbs! KEEP IT UP!
I can hardly wait. You?