Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Favorite actual buttons to push? For the remote it's MUTE. For the computer it's DELETE. Your favorites?

Favorite actual buttons to push? For the remote it's MUTE. For the computer it's DELETE. Your favorites?

MUTE to shut up the voices of people I do not care to listen to...all commercials for beginners.

For the computer definitely DELETE. Review go through and DELETE stuff you don't need to read to know it isn't your cuppa tea. Sometimes the computer does it for me and informs me it appeared to be a virus. I never check it out. I figger the computer knows more than I do so I do not question the decision.

Button pushing can work to your advantage as long as they are YOUR buttons. Elsewise otherwise it could be deadly figuratively and literally. 

Posted - April 23, 2020
