Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "Aides and allies are making a concerted effort to get GAG to stop doing daily briefings". WHY?

"Aides and allies are making a concerted effort to get GAG to stop doing daily briefings". WHY?

They can't convince GAG that he is digging his own grave DEEPER daily. There is no sun but only dark where he is yet he keeps digging digging digging digging.

Every day he humiliates himself by telling lies so authoritatively and consistently and very badly. As people see more clearly how insane he is they are pulling away. Why did it take so long for some of them? They are not the sharpest knives in the drawer. Never were. But eventually even the biggest blockhead notices when he/she is drowning.

Posted - April 25, 2020


  • 2706
    Though Trump haters can be annoying they can also be entertaining and amusing at the same time. These people just don’t realize that they are actually helping Trump get reelected when they are not even realizing it. They waste all their time hating on him, going on these harsh rants bashing the heck out of him. Trump haters, including the media, also go around posting negative and misinformed articles about Trump hoping to turn off supporters. 

     Most Liberals would do anything they can to find anything negative about Trump. They try oh so hard but they fail every time. What's really hilarious but sad at the same time is that liberals actually believe what they hear and say without any forethought or doing research to find out what they believe and say is actually true. Hatred drives some people to do and say things they normally wouldn't. My opinion only and my rant for the week. :)
      April 25, 2020 6:29 AM MDT