Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Who greets a pandemic "sarcastically"? Who goes for the snarky malarky in the midst of a crisis? A third rate lounge act?

Who greets a pandemic "sarcastically"? Who goes for the snarky malarky in the midst of a crisis? A third rate lounge act?

You know the kind. The audience is made up of drunken bums who will laugh at anything. The "act" bombed repeatedly and finally found a home in a dark sleazy place.

Third rate lounge acts in Las Vegas should not be playing daily in the white house. It bombs daily there too but also leaves blood and death in its wake. And then uses sarcasm as its denouement...punch line.

The drunks will laugh at anything as long you keep the booze coming. The third rate lounge act thinks they are laughing with him. Nope. AT HIM.

Posted - April 27, 2020
