I'm with you.And, then, for me, at least, if I state my thoughts on the man's public behavior and public words, I'm accused of having Trump Derangement Syndrome. Whatever. :)
I admit I did not watch/listen to entire conversation but what I saw I let irritate me -- Mr. Trump kept interrupting Mr. Zelensky. Over and over, he kept interrupting ZelenskyTerribly UNpresidential behavior in my opinion. No surprise to me, either.
Another movie I have not seen!! Ha!It's another movie about which I have heard, and have read a bit, but I have never watched.I think I know, though, the image of which you ask in the question - - and the image freaks me out.I read your question, and then... moreAnother movie I have not seen!! Ha!It's another movie about which I have heard, and have read a bit, but I have never watched.I think I know, though, the image of which you ask in the question - - and the image freaks me out.I read your question, and then tried researching the answer to whom the actress may have been. Haven't found an answer to help you. :)Now I'm thinking again about "The Amazing She-Monster" -- yikes. :)
Reply #2 --And I especially like the three young guys portraying a 'human,' an 'angel,' and 'devil.' The shoplifting and squirting the squirt gun at the girls - - a fun-and-cool-to-me way to start th... moreReply #2 --And I especially like the three young guys portraying a 'human,' an 'angel,' and 'devil.' The shoplifting and squirting the squirt gun at the girls - - a fun-and-cool-to-me way to start the video.And, like I keep saying, the female singer with Mellencamp, and that choir at end of song-- just thinking about them and all of song/video -- all helps lift my spirits. :)
You're right! Very 90's! And I then, after seeing your answer, went to look at my CD to see the date of "Human Wheels" album release (the album 'When Jesus Left Birmingham' is on) - - 1993 :)"Human Wheels" might be my favorite Mellencamp album... moreYou're right! Very 90's! And I then, after seeing your answer, went to look at my CD to see the date of "Human Wheels" album release (the album 'When Jesus Left Birmingham' is on) - - 1993 :)"Human Wheels" might be my favorite Mellencamp album if I had to pick.I remember being first drawn to the choir moments of the song at end of song, thne I started really listening and realize I like everything about this song.Then, after liking the song, I saw the music video for the song, and then really liked song even more. Love that video.Thanks for checking it out. :) less
Yes, not his normal style to me, either. But I do like most things I've heard from him but the ones I tend to like most are not his big hits.Thanks for answering. :)
Very cool to me all around!And I can participate in every way today. And I admit I didn't know about the blackout but my day's plan of work and activities fit in anyway, in all ways, once I read about it after seeing your answer, cool. :)EDIT:... moreVery cool to me all around!And I can participate in every way today. And I admit I didn't know about the blackout but my day's plan of work and activities fit in anyway, in all ways, once I read about it after seeing your answer, cool. :)EDIT: I added the word "it' to my reply to you after I reread my reply and it was sort of unclear to me.
The first thing I'd probably do would most likely be responding in person to my 'bosses' (at the least, at quick count, I have 13 different jobs, all part-time) and ask, "Was this a scam email?":)
I absolutely hate the taste of coffee. I tasted it once when a child, have not gone back since.
I don't really like beer, either.Chocolate milk is my favorite drink.
"When Jesus Left Birmingham" John MellencampI love the song.I really love the female singer's contribution with John--and the choir toward the end of song!
And the music video is wonderful to me.I hope you get a chance to check it all out if ... more"When Jesus Left Birmingham" John MellencampI love the song.I really love the female singer's contribution with John--and the choir toward the end of song!
And the music video is wonderful to me.I hope you get a chance to check it all out if you're unfamiliar with song.
And I'm going out on a limb and I don't care.When "all the talk" was about adding a Constitutional Amendment for the "sanctity of marriage" and marriage could only be between "a man and a woman," I made my own bumper sticker about making sure we keep the ... moreAnd I'm going out on a limb and I don't care.When "all the talk" was about adding a Constitutional Amendment for the "sanctity of marriage" and marriage could only be between "a man and a woman," I made my own bumper sticker about making sure we keep the "sanctity of marriage" very important!
"Why not a Constitutional Amendment banning divorce?"( And I'm not saying I'm against divorce at all - - it's unfortunately needed for many reasons. I've known many people that are going through one, or have been through one, and I can only imagine the pain and hurt it gives to people. I made my bumper sticker only because I tired of SO many people yelling about who they thought are the only humans allowed to commit to each other in a goal for life. )
I'm already fearing this post but stop thinking.WelbyQuentin, just hit "Post Reply".Out of here. less
I don't know if any of these will count as "good" but these are all bumper stickers I've had or have.And I hope when I "press" "Post Reply" that these images don't become three miles wide and 14 miles high, ha. :)
I am very happy that you liked my answer so much!Reading my answer again just now reminds me of how much I enjoy both bands.The reminder helped me today. Thanks! :):)
Thanks for finding my post helpful. :)I'm no expert but I certainly am shaking my head a bit at things. I admit, in some ways, the political world is all another environment for me. :)
I seem to remember in my life of government people working more together than in recent times.I guess I'm one of those few voters who would like to see them work together.Violence is not an answer, yes.I was joshing about my entering politics. No way woul... moreI seem to remember in my life of government people working more together than in recent times.I guess I'm one of those few voters who would like to see them work together.Violence is not an answer, yes.I was joshing about my entering politics. No way would I fit in well, or do an effective job for people in the political world. :)Yes, I do lean Libertarian.
Yes. Thanks.I'm not well-versed to speak detailed on politics but I seem to remember/observe in my life that the people are working in government are working together. Or, at least, not such fighting.
Will anything be done?Not until, in my opinion, many politicians in both of the major two political parties in the USA start WORKING TOGETHER.Yes, I do mean it -- WORKING TOGETHER. Enough of this "Us against Them" and "Divide and Conquer." Heaven forbid t... moreWill anything be done?Not until, in my opinion, many politicians in both of the major two political parties in the USA start WORKING TOGETHER.Yes, I do mean it -- WORKING TOGETHER. Enough of this "Us against Them" and "Divide and Conquer." Heaven forbid that politicians WORK TOGETHER for some common goals. Enough of "my way or no way" kind of thinking in my opinion.And the current president might consider that his (to me) constant encouragement of division and seemingly-to-me constant name-calling and derisive comments toward many others might be part of why some other people may act in similar derisive ways to, and about, him. And the man, to me, is not the poor innocent victim that many seem to think.He came into politics being derisive and name-calling from Day One (my opinion). And the fact that we normal citizens would have been fired very quickly if we talked and behaved like him on our jobs. I ponder that fact. And I question the political world.He encouraged everyone to fight for the country, too.&n... less
:)Yes.I remember while in my schooling, learning the French language (english is my native language) and thinking, more and more, "I think the French language makes more sense to me than the English language."
Thanks for answering."Je suis fatigue. Un peu... more:)Yes.I remember while in my schooling, learning the French language (english is my native language) and thinking, more and more, "I think the French language makes more sense to me than the English language."
Thanks for answering."Je suis fatigue. Un peu." (I know I got something wrong there.) :)Be Well
(Another late post. I'm posting this after my other ones.)And, yes - - if there are graphic images of sex, porn in books; teachers talking about sex details - - not good. Agreed.I do apologize for going completely off topic of Spunky's original ques... more(Another late post. I'm posting this after my other ones.)And, yes - - if there are graphic images of sex, porn in books; teachers talking about sex details - - not good. Agreed.I do apologize for going completely off topic of Spunky's original question and your original reply to an answer. I understand your original concerns/points.
If there is a potential for someone to create guns, yeah, I can see why there is some concern.But I'm no expert on 3D printers. The little I know about them I allow to freak me out a bit, though.Offhand, I admit I don't even know what a CDM machine is.
"NewMaCockall" or "noo - muh - KOK -uhl"In the typical endless-format of current "doctor prescription drug ads" in radio/TV commercials, hearing that pronunciation that occurs about 47 times in each commercial, is just stupid sounding to me.&n... more"NewMaCockall" or "noo - muh - KOK -uhl"In the typical endless-format of current "doctor prescription drug ads" in radio/TV commercials, hearing that pronunciation that occurs about 47 times in each commercial, is just stupid sounding to me. Ha.It's almost like a silly Dr.Seuss-frabricated word to me. I question why some medical specialists couldn't come up with a less-strange word.
(I added an EDIT above to my original "first #4reply-post." All along I knew of the controversy but finally researched a bit more. I realize there is more to the topic than what I said in my original first "#4 reply post" so I added the EDIT.)
EDIT: ( After posting my original post, I later have added now this EDIT; it is in parentheses here -- I looked up/researched a bit more on specific titles that are so-called porn etc and/or banned children's young adult books in various places. I c... moreEDIT: ( After posting my original post, I later have added now this EDIT; it is in parentheses here -- I looked up/researched a bit more on specific titles that are so-called porn etc and/or banned children's young adult books in various places. I can understand the controversy and realize the subject matter is more than 'sex-ed books' I mention in my original post that follows after my EDIT-here-in-parentheses.. However, I also see how it can be considered overreaction -- if I had to look as hard as I had to look for just "words"/details for the specific details in specific books of what is objectionable material in the books, when I finally found some specific details I can understand that some of it is overreaction in my opinion. If news posts won't even verbally discuss details -- just broad undefined words like "porn" and "adult" -- I question how bad it is. But those same news posts go into details reporting about violence details and murder details. Again, I do see there is more to the the discussio... less
"When Jesus Left Birmingham" John MellencampI love ... more"When Jesus Left Birmingham" John MellencampI love the song.I really love the female singer's contribution with John--and the choir toward the end of song!
And the music video is wonderful to me.I hope you get a chance to check it all out if you're unfamiliar with song.
"NewMaCockall" or "noo - muh - KOK -uhl"In the typic... more"NewMaCockall" or "noo - muh - KOK -uhl"In the typical endless-format of current "doctor prescription drug ads" in radio/TV commercials, hearing that pronunciation that occurs about 47 times in each commercial, is just stupid sounding to me. Ha.It's almost like a silly Dr.Seuss-frabricated word to me. I question why some medical specialists couldn't come up with a less-strange word.
Directed by David Lynch (and Angelo Badalamenti) -- ... moreDirected by David Lynch (and Angelo Badalamenti) -- and also featuring the flawless-to-me Julee Cruise (I miss her terribly, too; RIP Ms Cruise) -- "Industrial Symphony No. 1 - the dream of the brokenhearted"all three, Lynch, Badalamenti and Cruise -- RIP, (I sigh)
finding out how much you like someone's music but you were unawa... morefinding out how much you like someone's music but you were unaware of the artist's/artists' name/s?Led Zeppelin is my example --in the past several years, I'm finding out how much I like their music and the more I hear, the more I like. I've been paying more attention to their music-- and so much of their music I adore and it's music I didn't know they did.
Also, about nine years ago, I almost had to pull the car over when I realized they did "Kashmir": -- a song I always had loved but I had never known the song's name nor group! :)("Stairway to Heaven" -- yes, I've always loved it. Deserves all its accolades in my opinion. I knew that one was Led Zeppelin)Here's "Kashmir" Led Zeppelin less
At first glance I thought this was some scene from some new musi... moreAt first glance I thought this was some scene from some new musical, with the cast singing and dancing.
It's actually Rep. Dusty Johnson talking with reporters.
"After Hours" &n... more"After Hours" Swing Out Sister
- -another group whom I love, Swing Out Sister - -and this song takes me to places NO other song does; the mood, ambience, poetry, music - - flawlessly quiet and wondrously moody for me
Me -- totally random things at moment :* I'm thankful I tr... moreMe -- totally random things at moment :* I'm thankful I try to live every day as a day to give thanks and find things for which to be grateful* Finding out that Actor Thurl Ravenscroft provided the voice for both "Tony the Tiger"/'Frosted Flakes' cereal TV commercials ("They'rrre GrrEATTTT!") and 'The Grinch' singing "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch" song in the original made-for-TV animated special "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas"
* Finding out Actress/Comedienne Catherine O'Hara portrayed both the mom in "Home Alone" movie and she also voiced 'Sally' and "Shock' (of Lock, Shock and Barrel characters) in the animated original movie "The Nightmare Before Christmas"** and I just found out - - never knew til now! -- that Paul Reubens voiced 'Lock'! I love his talent and humor
* And I SO enjoyed finding out that FloRida used the opening 32 seconds of Etta James, from 1962, singing "Something's Got a Hold of Me" in his song "Good Feeling" (2012)I had no idea that was Etta James. All I knew was that I loved the f... less
Me -- The "new" front car/vehicle headlights that go compl... moreMe -- The "new" front car/vehicle headlights that go completely out and turn colors, and turn into blinking turn signals when driver wishes to turn. I find them very distracting and I let them irritate me.And, also irritating to me -- I searched a long time attempting to find a simple "gif" of one of these headlights "in action." I failed.
56 people killed in a stampede after a referee's controversial c... more56 people killed in a stampede after a referee's controversial call:https://www.msn.com/en-in/news/world/stampede-at-football-match-in-guinea-kills-at-least-56/ar-AA1v8Ke8And, somewhat related, I'm rather happy The Big Ten penalized both The Ohio State University and University of Michigan for the after-game brawl:
https://www.elevenwarriors.com/ohio-state-football/2024/12/151332/big-ten-reportedly-fining-ohio-state-and-michigan-100000-each-for-postgame-brawlAnd, admittedly as stupid as I was at the time, I still agree with my natural instinct:At the age of 13, at my first official track meet, I was immediately so far ahead of every other sprinter in the 100-yard dash, I stopped and turned, and waited for the other runners to catch up with me so we could all run together. It was more fun to me that way. less
In parking lots, I purposely walk "at right angles" to avoid sud... moreIn parking lots, I purposely walk "at right angles" to avoid suddenly appearing in front of moving vehicles and/or requiring them to wait "forever" if I were walking in a "direct" line to my intended destination.Whether that is helpful is questionable - as is my probably-confusing-to-understand example.
And my gif here has nothing to do with my question/answer but it made me smile.It stays. :)
Such a victim this Mr. Trump is that he needs to speak and behav... moreSuch a victim this Mr. Trump is that he needs to speak and behave in such wondrously presidential ways.Calling names.
So admirable to me. What a real man.
I was driving home after a tranquil grocery store visit.And I sp... moreI was driving home after a tranquil grocery store visit.And I spotted at least 15 shoes on the road, spread out sporadically over a half mile.
. . . maybe join me in my lingering thoughts of grat... more . . . maybe join me in my lingering thoughts of gratitude and admiration to actress Gena Rowlands who recently passed away? Everything I've seen her in she portrays such a real, authentic person. As far as newsworthy moments of the last weeks, Rowlands remains the most noteworthy and impactful to me; she's with me. Thank you, Gena, for your work.The original "Gloria," "The Notebook," and " A Woman Under the Influence" come to my mind at the moment.
PLOT SPOILER! "The Notebook"For me, I forget whoever were the two main stars/characters - - for me, I was most moved by two supporting roles -- Gena Rowlands portraying the "leading lady" character as an older woman. And actor James Marsden really impacted me in his role of the guy whom the"leading lady" character dumps at the beginning. I thought through the whole movie, "Why did you dump him? Especially in how he was so understanding and respectful of your choice to dump him." less
Yup, I've said it before and I say it again - -this song is my v... moreYup, I've said it before and I say it again - -this song is my very favorite R.E.M. song - - "I Wanted To Be Wrong"
(And music critics and R.E.M. fans call this entire "Around the Sun" album the group's worst album. The album is my favorite R.E.M. album, too.)I am wrong but oh-so-right with myself on this one :)"I Wanted To Be Wrong" R.E.M.
"Green Green" &n... more"Green Green" The New Christy Minstrels !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you, Mom and Dad, for having such a HUGE wide range of music tastes and playing lots of music as we aged! I LOVVVE this group and this song since I was a young boy!
My Number One Favorite movie, hands down. Oh, yeah.Director Geor... moreMy Number One Favorite movie, hands down. Oh, yeah.Director George Romero's original 1968 black-and-white "Night of the Living Dead" First saw it at a drive-in theater -- Dad took my older brother; older sister, one of her friends; a friend of mine, and me.I was 12 years old.The previous year I had read the novelization of the movie and I sincerely asked Dad to please, please, let me see the movie if it ever came to our town.No other movie, still, has affected my entire life in wonderful-to-me ways like this movie.
The movie remains unbelievably scary to me and superlative in countless ways. I have numerous times been to where it was filmed and have met and talked with cast members and have letters from some of them.Even as a 12-years-old boy, I knew a great movie. :) less
According to a little short video I saw, Rolling Stone readers v... moreAccording to a little short video I saw, Rolling Stone readers voted for the ten worst songs of the 1980's.And I don't agree with a single song on the list as being ANYWHERE near the worst I've heard from the '80's.Do you agree with this Worst List?
10) Rick Astley "Never Going to Give You Up" 9) Taco "Puttin' on the Ritz"8) Toni Basil "Mickey"7) Bobby McFerrin "Don't Worry, Be Happy"6) Falco "Rock Me Amadeus"5) Men Without Hats "The Safety Dance"4) Wham! "Wake Me Up Before You GoGo"3) Chris DeBurgh "Lady in Red"2) Europe "The Final Countdown"1) Starship "We Built this City" less
Why would I, as a youngster, choose to be gay if I and others wo... moreWhy would I, as a youngster, choose to be gay if I and others would be damned to hell by some, threatened, and even killed for simply choosing to be gay?
But if I chose to be gay, I know then that you know, and remember, when you chose to be heterosexual.
And I remember in my early years knowing about my same-sex attraction to others but I did not even know there was a name for it.
And I remember during my early education years, hearing, year-after-year, teachers and others talking endlessly about their opposite-sex marriages.
And reading books, seeing movies, with plots about opposite-sex couplings all the time.
And, horrors! -- As a child, I even saw pictures of opposite-sex couplings!
And, yet, after all that, I'm still gay.
So, let's try simply enjoying our "choices," I guess. less
Sam Cooke's "A Change Is Gonna Come"
Blew me away -- that ... moreSam Cooke's "A Change Is Gonna Come"
Blew me away -- that wonderful-to-me orchestra backing up his glorious-to-me voice - - Wow. Cooke bettered my life today even more than he has already done through my life.That's all I can say for nowBe Well, EVERYONE:)
. . . when cars actually looked different from one another... more . . . when cars actually looked different from one another? (and my own answer is part of my question)
Setting: WQ's second story floor of his house, set in a rural mi... moreSetting: WQ's second story floor of his house, set in a rural mid-sized community In his bathroom, about 8:00am, where he was doing scattered cleaning after showering Bathroom window was open, from which one can see the sky, various other homes' roofs, trees, buildings A clear, SO-very-comfortable light, breeze coming through windowWQ was listening to his favorite band -- Simple MindsTheir ""Once Upon a Time" album'Ghost Dancing' song started playingAnd, suddenly, in the midst of the song, outside, somewhere near the window, a single bird began singing/chirping/vocalizing along with Simple Minds' lead singer Jim Kerr and rest of Simple MindsThsi bird was not just mindlessly chirping -- the bird was singing along, accenting and supporting the bandI had literal body chills during the songThe bird stopped vocalizing when the song endedHere's the song: 'Ghost Dancin... less
* I am in what ( from what I've read and heard) many people cons... more* I am in what ( from what I've read and heard) many people consider the World's Best Movie -- "The Shawshank Redemption" * For being in it (yes, you can see me; I'm an extra), I've only seen the movie three times * No plot spoilers here but the movie has way too many strong emotional scenes for me; I get terribly upset (yet, I can watch hundreds of suspense and horror movies and enjoy them)* I've seen the movie only three times but have listened to Thomas Newman's original music score for the film literally countless (possibly thousands of) times -- the music is so beautiful for me.** Not related to my question but I find it pretty interesting that we extras were told NOT to EVER approach the movie's "stars" and bother them; but a man came up to me and started talking to me on the outdoor set one day. He was so funny and nice. I thought he was another extra in the movie. Over a year later when I saw the movie in its initial theatrical release (I went alone), I saw him! "There is that... less
Just glancing around the internet news I saw this picture:
Not ... moreJust glancing around the internet news I saw this picture:
Not being a huge professional sports follower, I thought this picture was of the late Freddie Mercury in some movie I never had seen.
This man is professional baseball player Spencer Strider.:)
The Verve's "Bitter Sweet Symphony"
For me, whether bitter or sw... moreThe Verve's "Bitter Sweet Symphony"
For me, whether bitter or sweet, it's always been wondrous for me. :)
Here I am, Wide awake from two to four am; heard some Bach,he's ... moreHere I am, Wide awake from two to four am; heard some Bach,he's a gem,Bach for Back to Sleep
I sometimes smile at my favorite song by them.I've probably alre... moreI sometimes smile at my favorite song by them.I've probably already stated the song more than once, though.
Serene to me, at least. :) -- from Newman's music sco... moreSerene to me, at least. :) -- from Newman's music score to the movie "Road to Perdition" -- I went to see the movie because I knew Newman had written the music and that Jude Law was in the movie.My entire being "stopped' in wonderful silence when this music occurred:"The Farm" (yes, two characters arrive at a farm) anytime I listen to Newman's score, my soul rests at 'the farm'
Thank you, Patsy Cline.Your voice often, often, brings my joyous... moreThank you, Patsy Cline.Your voice often, often, brings my joyous literal physical chills and often tears of both happiness and sadness.I enjoy everything I've ever heard of your singing.
This song, though, hands down, is my top favorite: "She's Got You"
The first 105 seconds are so gorgeous to me, though I love the e... moreThe first 105 seconds are so gorgeous to me, though I love the entire original music score that Elliot Goldenthal wrote for this movie (a movie which I also very much like).And that's a boy soprano singing.
Your song "Fire and Rain" came on the car radio as I drove home ... moreYour song "Fire and Rain" came on the car radio as I drove home after a long day.You always better my life. your voice and music just settles my soul so often.
Since a two-years-old young boy (ask my immediate family), this ... moreSince a two-years-old young boy (ask my immediate family), this is MY kind of sky.
The property owner has defeated his/her/their attempt with me.
"... moreThe property owner has defeated his/her/their attempt with me.
"Less is more" in this case with me.I drove by a yard with SEVEN identical signs. In the USA state in which I live, there are state-wide issues that have people up in flames. And I saw the signs and thought, "Shut the he** up. One sign is enough."
The Dream Academy's "Life in a Northern Town" is WAY up there fo... moreThe Dream Academy's "Life in a Northern Town" is WAY up there for me.God, I love this group; literally all of their music on the three albums I have is wondrous for me.And the music video to "Life in a Northern Town" enhances the song beautifully.
Thank you, Pointer Sisters.Your music resonates within my soul.
... moreThank you, Pointer Sisters.Your music resonates within my soul.
I'm in complete adoration and always will be.Ruth, in case somehow you see this -- I realize your three sisters have passed but I loved meeting all of you. I listen to you and your sisters' music almost daily.I'm listening to all of you now.
I do. :)
Whoa. I admit I never listened to the two ... moreI do. :)
Whoa. I admit I never listened to the two guy's lyrics through entire song until after posting, whoa. I've only heard bits and pieces of the song on the car radio.And any time I hear it, I focus entirely on how much I enjoy the children's voices.
A petition to bring to an end the endless, needless beeps, noise... moreA petition to bring to an end the endless, needless beeps, noises, and horn beeps on vehicles:Let's go back to the days when we pushed a door lock lever, down, rolled a vehicle window down with our entire arm, we had to remember where we parked our vehicles without pushing a lever to beep for us, we didn't need a horn beep to tell us we locked our vehicle, we didn't need 18 beepbeepbeepbeeps to tell us to buckle our seatbelts, we didn't need beeps to tell us we left a car door open.Think of the energy we'll save on our vehicle batteries to get rid of the noise.Let's end unnecessary noise pollution and get back into using our muscles
And, perhaps most importantly, I have yet to see anyone come running outside "to the rescue" when some parked vehicle starts beepbeepbeepbeeping somewhere for minutes on end. We all ignore the beeping noise pollution."Will you sign?;) less
I heard Enya's song "Orinoco Flow"No matter how I'm feeling, if ... moreI heard Enya's song "Orinoco Flow"No matter how I'm feeling, if I hear Enya's music, she always makes me feel so much better!
What recent "thing" happened to you that made you feel better?
On the radio, I hear a woman telling me how important fruits and... moreOn the radio, I hear a woman telling me how important fruits and vegetables are for my health.But all the prep is a hassle."Call us/go to website (I forget the name) and everything will be delivered to you, prepped.Call us/go to website now and you'll get $65 off your first order!"Back to my PopTart for me
Director William Friedkin's (R.I.P.) "Bug"Just star... moreDirector William Friedkin's (R.I.P.) "Bug"Just start watching it; do not read anything about it
Every movie I've seen that Friedkin directed has been great to me
Hi UnhappySmiles,
Thanks for a friend request. I've accepted but can I ask why you asked me? I don't remember any specific interaction we've had? If you don't want to answer, that's OK. I've already accepted anyway, like I said.
Be well,
I'm happy to accept your request, thanks, Gabriel! Welcome to the site - - I'm sort of new, too, as of last December 2015. You're most welcome for my answering your question! See you around!
Be well,
Thanks for the friend request, Thriftymaid!
As far as I know, you were the last person I received an 'alert' from on Answerbag - - about how we agreed that Queen had a lot of harmony.
Kenz the Frenz
Thanks for the friend request, Kenz!
I received one from Bootsie but now seem to be unable to retrieve the 'accept' button. And I couldn't find her profile, either, to accept through that route. If you can, tell her I tried accepting if you see her.
I'm still very new here, so don't know the in's and out's too well, yet.