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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Allegedly 89% fear economic collapse. 89% of what/who? They fear economic collapse more than they fear death? FOLLOW THE MONEY?

Allegedly 89% fear economic collapse. 89% of what/who? They fear economic collapse more than they fear death? FOLLOW THE MONEY?

Well fer shure it's a crackpot nutjob wackadoodle nooodle that holds a good economy as more precious than life. How many people are wackadoodle noodles? Nitwit crackpots? Idiots? A lot.

Posted - April 28, 2020


  • 2706
    Do you have any concept of what would happen if our economy collapsed? If the U.S. economy collapses, you would likely lose access to credit. Banks would close. Demand would outstrip the supply of food, gas, and other necessities. If the collapse affected local governments and utilities, then water and electricity might no longer be available.

     A U.S. economic collapse would create global panic. Demand for the dollar and U.S. Treasurys would plummet. Interest rates would skyrocket. Investors would rush to other currencies. It would create not just inflation, but hyperinflation, as the dollar lost value to other currencies. If you want to understand what life is like during a collapse, think back to the Great Depression. The stock market crashed on Black Thursday. By the following Tuesday, it was down 25%. Many investors lost their life savings that weekend. 

    The effects of an economic collapse today would be even worse than what happened during the great depression because our population is much higher. Even more, people would die. In order to save lives, an economy needs to thrive. People need to work to survive. The government cannot keep us afloat forever. It to would run out of money because if no one was working, we couldn't pay the taxes necessary to keep it running. If the government had no money, who would fight COVID-19? Then we would have the problem of Social Security and Social Security Disability collapsing completely. The elderly and disabled would suffer even more and many would die. This post was edited by rusureamisure? at April 28, 2020 7:18 AM MDT
      April 28, 2020 7:13 AM MDT