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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Scary. The language the CDC used to employ was authoritative specific definite with no wiggle room. What happened to it?

Scary. The language the CDC used to employ was authoritative specific definite with no wiggle room. What happened to it?

Watered down by Pumpkina** to be worthless useless meaningless impotent.

Where it used to be called in to investigate research determine conclude and order change it has become a joke.

When a report uses qualification repeatedly who is going to take it seriously?

Consider doing...
It would be good to do if plausible...
If possible perhaps maybe you might think about....

Who will do anything to change anything when they are not ORDERED to? Very few. So what was an important weapon has been euthanized lbotomized and Pumpkina** ized. What's next on his agenda to gut castrate?

Posted - April 29, 2020
