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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I'm going to share with you an excellent observation shared with me by a long-time internet social site friend. Do you agree with her?

I'm going to share with you an excellent observation shared with me by a long-time internet social site friend. Do you agree with her?

I'm going to quote her verbatim. The person she speaks of as an example is Sir David Attenborough with whom you may or may not be familiar. Here goes.

"He and others like him should be world leaders and not like the half wits that think they own us".

She is a Brit so her perspective is a bit different from US citizens but still spot on.

So I wonder as I wondered to her if there were some unwritten law precluding having intelligent honest honorable caring human beings IN CHARGE? There is much dreck and scum. Where is the pure form the best form the highest most noble form of human being? Why do we get the criminal corrupt selfish evil betrayer cheater deadbeat? Anyone?

Posted - April 29, 2020


  • 34962
    Yes. It is the fact that power corrupts.
      April 29, 2020 3:48 AM MDT