They don't have a way to get it to market. They don't have people to do the work necessary.
What's wrong with this picture?
Hunger on one end and food being thrown away on the other end. Only in America! We are after all EXCEPTIONAL! :(
No, it's that they have no place to sell it. What they are dumping it what restaurants normally bought.
People complain about overpopulation and a lack of food (globally), yet it's quite evident that the food does exist; the earth does yield its bounty. It's the caretakers of this small planet that are to blame. This country LOVES to waste food. We're famous for it. We waste 30-40% of our food supply each year! Got (too much) milk? Pour it down the drain (and then complain that the drains back up). Got too much produce? Plow it under (unless it's contaminated with salmonella, we just got to have them recalls).
We constantly have starving people in this country. In this small town alone, the Food Bank line stretches around the block every day! Yet the dumpsters are full of perfectly good food. Now farmers are tossing out good food when the Food Bank lines are astronomical. Restaurants want to open? Fine! Have the government buy this “surplus” food (they seem to have bottomless pockets), then have restaurants cook it up (jobs), then have others distribute it to the needy (more jobs). Times have changed. We need to think outside the box. “Normal” isn’t coming back anytime soon (despite what we want).