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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » There are ALLEGED mystical places on earth and also ALLEGED places where evil dwells. Are there places that are both?

There are ALLEGED mystical places on earth and also ALLEGED places where evil dwells. Are there places that are both?

Bermuda Triangle?

Posted - May 3, 2020


  • 3719
    "Alleged" for the so-called  "Bermuda Triangle" is right: it is a physically hazardous area of deep ocean under very variable weather, but neither mystical nor evil.

    I can't help feeling though that you are alluding to something rather closer to home and certainly not mystical even if it moves in mysterious ways!
      May 3, 2020 2:52 PM MDT

  • 113301
    No. Not this time. This time the cigar is just a good smoke. Places in New Mexico, Arizona are well-known for an ambiance that is "otherly". Taos, New Mexico for instance specifically. And a place called Red Rock in Arizona? Worldwide there are other such places. There are also mountains that natives will never climb up. Superstition Mountains.  I'd avoid them. Those who do go to these places sometime never return. Is any of that true...the evil or mystical? I don't know never having been to any of those places. There are portals to he** according to some and portals to other dimensions...we just haven't found them them yet. Allegedly. I am a person whose mind is open to all possibilities. A world that is really 10 dimensions would not surprise me. In those other 7 dimensions we might find all the answer we seek to all the questions we ask.  Since I DON"T KNOW I won't exclude preclude shut out anything. That's all the question is about. What you see is what you get Durdle. This time. Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday. Hope you and yours are safe and doing well! :) This post was edited by RosieG at May 3, 2020 4:02 PM MDT
      May 3, 2020 4:01 PM MDT