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Discussion » Questions » answerMug » Any of you having problems trying to "accept" friends? My "accept" button doesn't work. When I hit "accept" it reads "Invalid". Why?

Any of you having problems trying to "accept" friends? My "accept" button doesn't work. When I hit "accept" it reads "Invalid". Why?

Posted - September 30, 2016


  •  haven't had that problem, but I have had a few others. I've had loading issues, and once the page just kept refreshing over and over. 
      September 30, 2016 5:09 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply Karen. Well I had a huge problem accessing replies and Just Asking fixed it for me so maybe she can fix my friends button too. Happy Friday! :)
      September 30, 2016 8:07 AM MDT

  • That's great that she was able to fix it.  I'm sure we will ruin into a few glitches here and there until the wrinkles are ironed out. 
      September 30, 2016 8:57 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I know. I  don't know how long I could have hung in without her intercession Karen. I really appreciate that she went out of way her for little old me! Thank you for your reply and Happy Friday! :)
      September 30, 2016 9:11 AM MDT

  • 17260
    No, I had no such issues. I hope you'll find a way to get around it. :-)
      September 30, 2016 5:13 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I think Just Asking knows about it so maybe she can figure it out SH. Thank you for your reply! :)
      September 30, 2016 8:08 AM MDT

  • 17260
    You're welcome, dear. :-)
      September 30, 2016 10:03 AM MDT

  • 489
    Ummmm I have had issues accepting friend requests, but only if there were more than one request... I can only accept one at a time.

    not sure if that was just my connection going silly on me, as it usually does.
      September 30, 2016 5:35 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Oh. Maybe that's the problem. I accepted all of them at the same time 3 different times and none of it worked. I will try it your way Luna and see it that works. Thank you for your reply and Happy Friday! :)
      September 30, 2016 8:06 AM MDT

  • 5808
    when i get a request
    will let you know...hahaha
      September 30, 2016 7:04 AM MDT

  • 113301
     Oh c'mon Baba you must have received a zillion friend requests by now. Thank you for your reply and Happy Friday! :)
      September 30, 2016 8:09 AM MDT

  • 7939
    I think it depends on how and where you're accepting them. The page refreshes between accepting each one. If you don't wait, you will get an error.... that's if you're doing it from the list.
      September 30, 2016 3:15 PM MDT

  • 2758
    ...And another thing... (Lord I hate being the one to complain all the time!)

    The edit feature is a bit squirrelly.  Sometimes, when you press 'submit,' there's no response.  The edit goes in but the page doesn't refresh.  No idea why.
      September 30, 2016 3:22 PM MDT

  • 7939
    Well, one of the things we didn't get to because we jumped prematurely was the optimization stage. Once we had everything in place, the dev was going to go through and combine/ debug anything that slowed us or made us sluggish. Now he has a list a mile long of glitches to fix, so I suspect we're looking at another month or so of twitchy code before he can go through the process. It doesn't make sense to do the refine stage before we finish all the recoding. 
      September 30, 2016 3:54 PM MDT

  • 2758
    That's to be expected.  And it's not THAT big of a deal. :-)
      October 1, 2016 1:46 AM MDT

  • 22891
    that hasnt happened to me yet
      October 2, 2016 6:42 PM MDT