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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Da big cheese washed his hands of us completely. We are on our own alone. He is now involved completely in rebuilding his economy. SWELL?

Da big cheese washed his hands of us completely. We are on our own alone. He is now involved completely in rebuilding his economy. SWELL?

Da big cheese kills all truthful information from any source. He refuses to allow any of it to get out there. WHY? Because none of it flatters him or kisses his a** or toady sycophants him and he will not have it.

All truth must be killed at the source or da big cheese will go down HARD. 400 lbs of flab and lard. Can't have that!

Don't hold your breathe for a change of heart. Da big cheese doesn't have one of those either.

All for him and him for him now and forever tethered together.  Protect him OR ELSE. Defend him OR ELSE. Support him OR ELSE. Roll over beg whimper play dead OR ELSE. You have your marching orders. What else do you need to live the good life?

Posted - May 8, 2020


  • 35039
    Well, "his" economy is my economy.  So lets get this thing started. 
      May 8, 2020 6:36 AM MDT