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"Public health creates economic health". Not the other way around. Da big cheese got it a**backwards AGAIN. When will he get anything RIGHT?

Posted - May 8, 2020


  • 3719
    I do not know if or how it would work in your country, nor know your opinion on it - though I see you are no fan of your current President!

    Nevertheless, writing from a nation that does have a public health system, and looking beyond individual politicians and the present pandemic's social and financial effects, there can be a grain of truth in it.

    If anything they are, or should be, mutually supportive.

    A healthy population is more productive and buying more than an unhealthy one, helping pay for a health system that does its best to prevent people from falling seriously ill - preventative medicine is both humane and cheaper for the tax-payer than curing medicine. It also frees more medical-care personnel, facilities and time for those whose illnesses (or injuries) are not preventable.

    No human-made system is ever perfect of course, and things can and do go wrong, but generally everyone involved does try to make it all work.

    As I say though, I do not know if it would or can work in the USA, irrespective of party-politics; but I understand many would oppose it ideologically.
      May 8, 2020 4:33 PM MDT

  • 113301
    You are correct Durdle. I am not fan of da big cheese. Now may I ask ARE YOU? If so I'd like to know why and would appreciate any specifics to which you can point to substantiate your view.

    Thank you for your thoughtful reply m'dear! :)
      May 9, 2020 2:19 AM MDT

  • 3719
    No I am not a fan of him!

    (Actually I don't like the word "fan" in politics. I prefer supporter - I know many do use "fan" but to me it is a show-biz word, and politics is not show-biz.)

    I don't understand American politics very well and as a foreigner too, I don't normally comment on them. I cannot judge how well or badly President Trump is administering the nation in the ordinary way, but I do worry about his reactions to the Covid-19 pandemic, including his evident dislike of scientific advice.

    The defendant must still have a fair trial, so to be fair to him, I know his election was close enough to be skewed by an arithmetical quirk of the system, but I also know he had a huge following of people to whom he promised to rejuvenate their industries. I do not know to what extent he has succeeded in that.  I am also well aware he is not the only American unable or unwilling to grasp the realities of the pandemic around their own nation, let alone the world beyond - but that does not excuse him, as he is the official leader of that nation.

    What concerns me as a native and resident of another country, is Trump's foreign-policy ability and decisions. He seems to find it very hard to understand other countries' points of view, and lacks diplomacy. He is also out of step with many other nations on matters of common concern and general agreement, such as the environment and resources depletion. I understand why - domestic politics and electoral support - but it will not help anyone in the long run. 

    The overall impression I have is that the USA still functions thanks to very able and experienced civil-servants who still manage to keep their departments running despite the politicians; and I can only hope that these people can keep the country functioning through what are going to be very tough times for some while to come, for many countries.   This post was edited by Durdle at May 15, 2020 5:17 AM MDT
      May 14, 2020 4:18 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for your thoughtful reply. I LOVE the word "fan". I am a huge fan of the American actor Humphrey Bogart. I fell in love with him when I was 3 years and saw a movie where he dies being a hero on his son's birthday. I am a fan of YODA the wise center of the Star Wars movie. I am a fan of truth. Also a fan of kindness. Fair. Honorable. Humane. In my 20's married and a mom I had a door-sized poster of Humphrey Bogart on the door in our living room. The only poster of anyone ever. Words are very personal aren't they? What ticks you off might turn me on. That's why conversation is always tricky. Thank you for your reply Durdle. My view of cheesehead is that he is a companion of evil and all that is vile is embodied in him. So you can see how very much I am NOT a fan! :) This post was edited by RosieG at May 22, 2020 5:54 AM MDT
      May 15, 2020 5:21 AM MDT

  • 35039
      May 15, 2020 5:40 AM MDT