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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » A Mugger said "you can't die of old age". I beg to differ. Eventually everything wears out. Planes experience metal fatigue. Due to OLD AGE?

A Mugger said "you can't die of old age". I beg to differ. Eventually everything wears out. Planes experience metal fatigue. Due to OLD AGE?

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I expect with luck and excellent health and dutiful maintenance homo saps can extend their useful lives until the day they can't. There is no way to stop entropy. Birth life death. That is the cycle we are stuck with.

Now death can be hastened by many things, disease being among them. Some people live very long lives. Some don't because they are stricken down with some deadly condition.

There are what is called "blue zones" in the world where people are healthier live longer than the norm. Among the things they all have in common is eating healthy foods and having  a social network to keep them engaged. Loma Linda, California is one of them. So there are ways to extend our lives...put off the "metal fatigue" that is inevitable. But in the end there is no way to prevent its happening.

Dying of old age is something most of us would opt to do. You?

Posted - May 10, 2020


  • 35039
    You die from whatever vital part wore out....your heart, lungs, brain, kidney, etc.  
      May 10, 2020 7:08 AM MDT