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Discussion » Questions » Legal » Per Newsweek Magazine Trump said he supported the Cuban Embargo while violating it. The Newsweek site went down. Wonder why?

Per Newsweek Magazine Trump said he supported the Cuban Embargo while violating it. The Newsweek site went down. Wonder why?

Newsweek says the site was "taken down" and did not crash on its own. "Taken down" by unhappy Trumpeters no doubt. If you don't like what is said attack the source/take it down/silence it. Isn't that just hunky dorry? I wonder how many Trumpeter hacks there are out there poised to attackand whether they are being paid or doing the work "pro bono"?

Posted - October 1, 2016


  • I find it hard to believe that the ordinary Trump supporter has the skills to pull of such a feat.  However, there is a segment of his cult on 4CHan who might.  They managed to skew the online surveys that Heir Trump is so fond of citing, so it's not out of the question
      October 1, 2016 6:05 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I see them as focused on tearing down/destroying/blowing up/attacking. Everything negative.  They are "armed" and dangerous I'm sure. They are ALL loose cannons with no conscience/integrity to guide them. Woe is us! Thank you for your reply GJ! :)
      October 2, 2016 3:27 AM MDT