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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Down in the dumps about being an American? Embarrassed about it? Watch "Yankee Doodle Dandy"! What could it hurt?

Down in the dumps about being an American? Embarrassed about it? Watch "Yankee Doodle Dandy"! What could it hurt?

You're a Grand Old Flag
Over there Over there

In the movie FDR awards George M. Cohan the Congressional Medal of Honor for always honoring his country with his music with especial focus on those two songs. The song "Over there" was called an anthem in World War 1.. It is stirring and in its day was inspiring. What America used to be and maybe still is. .
Watching James Cagney tap dance is a unique experience. It was like a tonic for me. If you've never seen the movie you might like it. If you have you know what I mean.

My father thanks you. My mother thanks you. My sister thanks you. And I thank you!

Posted - May 16, 2020
