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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » It is logical for me to think that high IQ parents are more apt to produce high IQ children. I GOOGLED it and it's a SNAKE PIT! Ya know why?

It is logical for me to think that high IQ parents are more apt to produce high IQ children. I GOOGLED it and it's a SNAKE PIT! Ya know why?

It's everything all at once all over the place.

Children inherit their IQ's from their mothers
Daughters inherit their IQ's from their fathers
There is a direct correlation between parents' IQ's and their children's
There is little correlation between parents' IQ's and their children's
Contradiction after contradiction depending upon whicn site you click onto

So I'm left with no consistent expert opinion. Why is that not a surprise?

Still You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. You need to have silk as the material used.

I think smart parents are more likely to have smart kids. So sue me!

Posted - May 18, 2020


  • 35039
    Yes. Smart parents are likely to produce smart kids. But is it genes or environment. It is that the smart parents stayed away from drugs and did things that simulate the babies mind? Did the child get into drugs? And what was expected of the child in school. And the amount of time the parent had to spend with the child?  All of that will play into the IQ of a person.

    I do not buy that daughter's get IQ from just Dad. DNA is not structured that way. There are genes that only come from Mom for boys. (XX vs XY) 
      May 18, 2020 4:51 AM MDT