Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» 1.5 million cases so far in America (so they say) and 90,000 dead so far (so they say). When it ends if it ends what will those numbers be?
I don't think there will ever be a completely accurate count of who had the virus or who died from it. Insufficient testing is one reason, but there are others. Those without symptoms or with mild symptoms wouldn't have sought medical care. Those who died in the early days before we knew this virus existed may have had some other ailment that would have appeared to be the cause of death. Happy Monday. :)
I fear the numbers in the US will be so large that they will need another chart. Right now the spike in confirmed cases in the US is just about at the top of the chart and within a week or 2 those numbers might skyrocket. I also fear that some of the fears of scientist and medical proffecinals is about to become a reality like hospitals won't have nearly enough respirators so they will have to pick who lives and who dies. Extra sad part is as Americans die Trump will still blame it on everybody but himself. Cheers!
Your vision is spot on I fear Nanoose. Some scientists think the deaths are understated by about 50% but Spunky said on another thread that she doesn't think we will ever know the true count and I'm afraid I have to agree with her. I mean what evidence do we have that a gubment that lies to us about everything won't lie to us about that? The powers that be LOVES HUGE numbers when it is an audience or rally crowd but hates large numbers when it comes to virus deaths. So it maximizes and minimizes and maximizes and minimizes at dizzying speeds. It would be a great if there were a place you could always go for TRUTH but well if there is the powers that be will surely deport it or imprison it or murder it. Thank you for your reply Nanoose. It takes 2-14 days from exposure to symptoms showing up. So the states that opened up wide a couple of days ago will bear the burden of that soon.."in a certain period of time". What fun that will be! NOT. :(