An IG has one job. MAKE CERTAIN things are being done according to the law.
Now you'd think normal logical sensible reasonable cogent people would support that. They do.
The powers that be, being none of those things, fires their a**es. Even the ones he hired. No one tells him what to do. No one investigates what other people do that he wants to get away with whatever they can. No one gets in the way of the powers that be and survives.
So he hires and fires and hires and fires and hires and fires. Makes busy work for himself because otherwise what would he do with all his time? Hires and fires hires and fires hires and fires hires and fires. Busybee busybox busyboy busybody busyizzy? Doing what? Hires and fires hies and fires hires and fires hires and fires. Take two pills and call me in the morning if the headache hasn't gone away. Sure. Why not? What could it hurt? What do you have to lose? Everyone says so. That I can tell you..