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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The powers that be was asked "how do you plan to put 36 million people back to work?"

The powers that be was asked "how do you plan to put 36 million people back to work?"

He said the states are opening up very nicely.

Does that answer the question asked? Does automatic employment occur once each state opens up?

Also he insulted the person who asked the question. I think his MO dictates that he do that to every reporter who asks a question that isn't softball. It is too bad he feels obliged to it. Answering the question politely would be better. Saying "we're working on that" would be good. Insulting/attacking a reporter for asking a simple question? Not so hot. But it's all he's got apparently.

Posted - May 20, 2020


  • 6023
    I wouldn't attack the reporter ... but I think the question either shows a lack of understanding of how our government works and the actual powers of the President, or is intended as an attack on the President.

    The President has no ability to "put people to work", other than those he hires directly.  Same with "putting people out of work".
    As we have seen, the President can say "shut down" or "open up" the country - but has no real power to enforce it.  It's been more state, county, and city authorities exercising their power on what/when to "shut down" or "open up".

    But yes, as states "open" businesses will rehire most of the people they had to lay off.
    Some people may actually find better jobs as businesses will be looking for those with experience, and the people won't have to worry about upsetting their current employer by actively looking for a better place to work.
      May 20, 2020 7:30 AM MDT

  • 113301
    FDR created work programs for the unemployed and PUT THEM TO WORK. The WPA or something. You know that Walt. So how come you avoided mentioning that? Thank you for your reply m'dear. I don't get how you could have "forgotten" that?
      May 20, 2020 7:32 AM MDT

  • 6023
    Yep ... and it was unConstitutional (per the 10th Amendment), which is why I didn't mention it.
      May 20, 2020 10:52 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Oh c'mon Walt! Seriously? OK well I'm not going to nail you on that though I really think you waited so long to reply because you sought a reason/excuse. You could have said immediately "I didn't mention it because it was unconstitutional". You didn't. So I expect this is some sort of saving face reply which is very disappointing. The WPA provided 3 millions jobs. The powers that be guy is contemptuous of the Constitution. It's relevance is not in existence at all and YOU KNOW IT. Boy. This is a real shock. You really expect me to believe you? Sorry. Thanks for..well I don't know what to thank you for so I leave you with this. Do whatever it is you gotta do to feel good. SIGH.
      May 20, 2020 11:01 AM MDT

  • 6023

    You know I'm only on here when I'm working, right?
    So when I post or reply, depends on when I get a break between doing my work.  ;)

    And yes ... I'm well aware Trump ignores the Constitution.
    If you look back to history, every President since George Washington ignored the Constitution when they felt like it.
    Our much-lauded first President ordered attacks on Revolution veteran protesters for exercising their First Amendment Rights.

    And Congress rarely does anything.  Same with the Supreme Court.

    Here's an interesting tidbit of when a President basically told SCOTUS to "shove it":

    You ask "what use is a Constitution if it is ignored?"
    Only as much use as The People keep faith in it.
    If The People one day choose to ignore the Constitution, as well as the government doing so, the government will have no legitimate authority to enforce it - because they have been ignoring it for so long.
      May 20, 2020 11:25 AM MDT

  • 113301
    FIRSTLY thanks for not being ticked off at my reply...if you are you hide it very well. NO I did not know you work. I thought you were retired like me for whatever reason so you had all the time in the world to be here. You are one good guy so thanks for that too. And my disgust for "THE PEOPLE" is growing ever larger and stronger. Are they the problem? Could they solve the problem? Can anyone solve this problem WALT or is it one of those that can never be solved? I dunno. Thank you for your delightful reply. You know what that means though right? I KNOW whatever I say you will take it with a grain of salt in a very kind way and not make me pay for it! So that means I trust you completely. Hope that doesn't scare you. So how is stuff in your state doing? OPEN WIDE or is it being cautiously hesitant? :)
      May 20, 2020 11:32 AM MDT

  • 6023
    Last I heard, they (WA and OR) opened a bunch of parks.  Not the beaches, though.
    Other than that, they're still "closed".

    The People can solve the problem.  But they won't.  They'll continue voting in the person currently in office.  Or somebody approved by The Big Two.  Which means nothing of any importance will change in politics.  

    Nothing is likely to change unless a group of billionaires decide it's in their best interest to stop giving money to The Big Two, and back a Third Party.
      May 20, 2020 1:22 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Have you noticed fewer people wearing masks Walt? When we were at the market Tuesday that's what I noticed first. I avoided them. As for the political way of the world I can't grasp it or comprehend it or get my brain to process it. WHY so many homo saps want more of the powers that be corrupting his way through each and every day after day after day after day. Too many moving parts for me I guess. I would think the corruption that drips from everything he does would bother them but they seem to applaud it approve of it and don't mind it at all. How can that be? See what I mean? It's like a brick wall I can't break through. So possibly probably maybe perhaps the powers that be will be hook or by crook! Then what? What can he do that he hasn't already done? Plenty. I don't like feeling helpless. I'm not used to it. I mean threatening to pull funding from states that allow/encourage voting by mail because he says it leads to FRAUD(even though he votes by mail) is very scarifying to me. Thank you for your thoughtful reply. Do you think having a POWERFUL third party is the answer? I almost voted for THE GREEN PARTY in 2016 but thought I'd be wasting my vote. Irony of ironies!  Happy Thursday! :) This post was edited by RosieG at May 21, 2020 2:49 AM MDT
      May 21, 2020 2:47 AM MDT

  • 6023
    The best solution is to have no political parties.

    The next best solution is to have at least 3 political parties. 
    The 3rd (ideally) would be a solid, middle-of-the-road party.
    Then the extremists could have the "far left" and "far right" parties, and the common people would still have a party to vote for.
      May 21, 2020 12:19 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I'd rather that homo saps were fair reasonable logical and kind. I know. What am I smoking right? Nuttin'. What is the purpose of a political party anyway? Do you know Walt?  I shall ask. In my ideal world everyone would operate from the same base...logical kind fare HONEST. But ideal is out there in another world of fantasy. So second best is left right middle. I dunno. It seems to me that we the people could do better if we tried. Ya think? Thank you for your reply! :)
      May 21, 2020 12:41 PM MDT