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Dream analysis. Are any of you amateur or professional dream analyzers? I had a doozie! ~

Craziest. Dream. EVER!

  I have to write this down right away because I’ll forget it in no time. In my dream, I played in the Super Bowl. I don’t know which team I played for, the opposing team, the position I played, the date, the city, the stadium, I don’t even know the outcome of the game.

  I wasn’t a regular player on the team, I worked a regular 9-to-5 job, but for some strange reason, I was called in to play in just that one game, the most important game of the season. A team bus stopped at my house in the wee hours of the morning to pick me up. I was wearing my jogging clothes and carrying two different pairs of my running shoes in my hands as I ran barefoot to get on the bus.  

  When we arrived at the venue, instead of going to a locker room, we went to a combination sky box/luxury seating area. They were the theatre-style seats, but much fancier. We were seated in the top few rows, but all the seats around us and below us were full of fans. 

  The crowd was going crazy cheering us on, and the announcer began calling our names one by one to run out onto the playing field. The first man called, I don’t think I heard or knew or paid attention to his name, but in the dream he looked vaguely like a conglomerate of a current coworker of mine or a former coworker, possibly even someone I knew decades ago when I was in the Marines. He was also a non-regular player called in just for that game. There was no aisle leading down to the field, so he had to body-surf over the tops of the luxury chairs and be passed down to the field by the adoring fans. My name was the second one called, and I was still barefoot and carrying those two pairs of shoes. I went the same way he had gone, head over teakettle passed down by the fans.

  The next thing I knew, it was hours after the game, I was in my apartment (I haven’t lived in an apartment for over twenty-five years, and I didn’t recognize this place as any that I’ve lived in before), I was making and receiving phone calls wherein I asked each person if they knew I had played in the Super Bowl that day. None of them knew, and some of them were not even sports fans, so I had to explain to them what a Super Bowl was. My phone calls were interrupted by incoming calls from people making me job offers for clerical and administrative positions. I remember being annoyed with one of the job-offer people because he sounded very young and inexperienced (millennial), as if he was reading from a script verbatim just like some telemarketers do.  In the middle of that phone call, my alarm clock went off, blaring me back into reality land. 


BACKGROUND: Last night just before going to bed, I watched a documentary-type show about The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire. It featured a long segment on Spartacus, and it went into detailed historical records that had been created by various ancient writers. One scene showed Spartacus and his men dressed in shabby clothing assembling at the top of a hill in the woods in preparation to attack Roman soldiers below. Their descent down that hill slightly resembled the body-surfing entrance to the playing field that I saw in the dream. 

Posted - May 20, 2020


  • 11553
    I rarely remember my dreams, but when I do, and it's in such detail as yours, I try to figure out its meaning. I have always assumed that our dreams can only be truly interpreted by the person who has them. If I had the dream you just described, I would probably relate it to something I planned to do or had just done, for which I was unprepared and undeserving and/or having done something which seemed to be important, but which others did not appreciate.
      May 21, 2020 4:44 AM MDT

  • 53686

      That makes sense, thank you. I knew I’d forget also if I didn’t memorialize it immediately after waking up, I never remember mine for very long either. This one seemed so vivid, so real, but then again, don’t most of them?  I know that documentary I had watched played into it, there’s no avoiding that. Have you ever had a feeling akin to disappointment when you awake from a dream and realize it wasn’t real?  Grrrrrr.  That’s what this one represented to me. 
      May 21, 2020 6:00 AM MDT