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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Over 60% of the American people don't believe what he says about Covid 19. He doesn't care. He plays to his 36% base. Know why?

Over 60% of the American people don't believe what he says about Covid 19. He doesn't care. He plays to his 36% base. Know why?

They believe EVERYTHING He says. Now being as how he isn't math-savvy he has no clue that the 36% is  NOT enough to make him win an election. NOT A CLUE. He thinks all he's gottra do is hold onto the 36% and keep holding. See the problem?

Posted - May 20, 2020


  • 6023
    36% may be enough to win an election, when you consider that over 40% didn't vote in 2016 (according to numerous polls).
    So that would leave the opposition with only 24%.

    Obviously, if the Dems know Trump is playing to 36%, it will be their job to turn out at least 40%.

      May 20, 2020 2:25 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I think you know how I feel about American citizens who are too lazy and indifferent to vote! They're not my cuppa tea. And if having the powers that be continue on for another 4 years because they were too "busy" to be bothered to vote (voting by mail is alive and well and we do it every election) then THEY DESERVE to have him be prez again. Sadly it affects those of us who do vote and do care  and that is way unfair. But who says life is fair? And the powers that be and his adoring worshippers are doing everything they can to make voting an ORDEAL so folks won't bother with the hassle. Too many variables at the moment to know which end is up if ya get my drift Walt. We will find out eventually. Will the nightmare be extended for another 4 years? I sure hope not. SIGH. Thank you for your reply and Happy Thursday! :)
      May 21, 2020 2:04 AM MDT