A GALAXY consists of billions of stars and planets. There are between 200 BILLION and 2 TRILLION galaxies. Think of all the wondrous rallies the powers that be could hold on all those planets? Think of all the potential for raising his numbers to the stratosphere ionosphere? To INFINITY AND BEYOND.
It is clear that he has EXHAUSTED earth. His base is a solid 36%. But out there? Unlimited. He could capture 100% of whatever is out there. Have billions/trillions of adoring worshippers. What form they'd be is unimportant. Whether or not they look like thee and me is unimportant. What is important is capturing all of them before "THE ENEMY' gets hold of them. When is he gonna leave? When will he return after his tour of the universe (which keeps expanding allegedly)? Wouldn't tweets from outer space be awesome good?