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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The ordinary everyday typical standard goes on each day no matter what extraordinary tragedy occurs. Must it be thus?

The ordinary everyday typical standard goes on each day no matter what extraordinary tragedy occurs. Must it be thus?

I specifically refer to

100,000 DEAD and counting from the COVID 19 virus in US ( could be a bazillion more or less)

Discuss about whether or not Joe Biden should pick an African American women as his veep

How the businesses that can only operate at 40% or 50% can survive

Whether making more money off the gubment by NOT working is working for or against getting folks back to work

Whether the GOP will LOSE the Senate the House and the Black House and how to prevent it no matter what it takes

How voting by mail is not good for the GOP...prevent it stop it kill before it kills them

More powers that be pullouts and threats floated as he golfs at one of his many golf resorts on a Sunday

DEMAND that all churches operate as they see fit WITHOUT ANY EXCEPTIONS

The one week vacation that son of itch mitch gifted his eunuch toady sycophant Republican Senators with...he thinks they all work way too hard and deserve a break today. Nothing is as important to nim as doing nothing as long as he can get away with and he has gotten away with it since the Barack Obama administration. He is proud as he** having obstacled a president in selecting a SCOTUS to which he was entitled. PROUD AS HE** and he doesn't mind bragging on it 24/7

The extreme right wing fascist judges the GOP senate majority has larded all the federal benches with. Their goal is to exterminate any who don't do tbings the powers that be way before the poiwers that be is gone. Lotsa work to do and so little time to do it in. Carry on. Keep larding with Fascists. A country can never have enough of them in jobs where they will never be fired. They will have die literally to be replaced.

And on and on and on and on.

The tip of the iceberg. A black man is murdered by two white men. Ordinary. A black woman is murdered in her own bed by the "authorities". Oops. Mistake wrong woman. Had EIGHT BULLETS in her body.  Ordinary

Posted - May 24, 2020
