How about Poland, Germany, Japan, and Britain in WWII (just to name a few). They suffered extreme tragedy and yet managed to bounce back. Things there weren’t quite the same after as they were before either (Japan nuked, Germany was split up).
Yes, we are very soft.
- We are overly dependent on technology - most people are lost without their phone, lets than 10% of cashiers can count out change without the aid if the register.
- We have no clue what hardships are (listen to them whine when the power is out for more than 3 minutes).
- Each successive generations wants everything handed to them (they’re owed it). They have no work ethic either. Most can’t show up to work on time, and when they finally do get there they assume they get paid for doing nothing (if you want me to work harder, pay me more).
- We’re fat and lazy. We make up 5% of the world’s population, but consume 24% of the world’s energy. We toss out (waste) 150,000 tons of food each day.
This virus has shown us what we really are, yet we close our and refuse to see. It’s like someone looking into the mirror and seeing a piece of spinach in their teeth. Yet instead of removing it, they claim the mirror’s faulty.