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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Stats galore none of which agree. The number of bridges in the US that are structurally deficient. Do you drive on any bridges regularly?

Stats galore none of which agree. The number of bridges in the US that are structurally deficient. Do you drive on any bridges regularly?

The stats are all over the place. But one thing is clear. There are TENS OF THOUSANDS of bridges in the US in need of repair. Driving on them is DANGEROUS. One stat said as of February 2018 54,000 of them needed repair. Another stat says in April 2019 47,000 needed repair. Another 1 in 9 is in desperate need of repair. One stat says there are 614,387 bridges in the US. Another says there are 612,000 or 614,000.

It is an ongoing problem that could be solved but isn't. Why?

Posted - May 29, 2020
