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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "What would we have done if there were no food on the shelves?" A question asked by New York Guv Cuomo. Would you have survived?

"What would we have done if there were no food on the shelves?" A question asked by New York Guv Cuomo. Would you have survived?

We would. I have THREE fridges filled with food I've made and frozen. I have cupboards full as well. We might have lacked fresh fruits/veggies/milk/eggs but we would have survived for a very long time. Would you?

Posted - May 30, 2020


  • 10692

    Some people are able to stockpile food.  Some live paycheck to paycheck and still don’t have enough to put food on the table each day.  They can’t afford to stockpile. 

    I have enough food to last a few weeks, slightly longer with rationing.  However, I can’t afford to purchase a lot of food (let alone store it). 

      May 30, 2020 11:37 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I think the old and nongun folks (like Jim and me) would perish first. What chance would we have against the young strong armed? But we have lived longed and prospered enough to make us content. Futurely it could become very dire. I doubt we will live long enough to see it. SIGH. Thank you for your reply Shuhak and Happy Sunday! :)
      May 31, 2020 1:39 AM MDT

  • 14795
    If and when people begin to stave to death...they will steal or even kill to get food to feed their families it's always been the strong my ound and armed will have more chance of survival then the old and weak...
    Its how it is in any disaster... 
      May 30, 2020 2:48 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Remember a few years back we talked about the final battle would be over potable water? It would be worth more than gold or oil or anything? Will science ever be able to make sea water drinkable? I shall ask. Thank you for your reply D and Happy Sunday to thee! :)
      May 31, 2020 1:40 AM MDT

  • 14795
    In Isreal and in many other middle eastern Arab countries where they have a coast line, they built huge desalination plants for that very reason....They were built long before I was born to...
    Du'bai draws so much water from the huge underground  Aqueducts that exists  under the deserts in their country and that of other countries around them...that it's effecting all the well and oasis what the nomadic tribes use for drinking water as they roam their own countries lands and ekk out thier existence
    It takes huge amounts of energy to distill the salt from water...if they run out of oil to power these plants...thousands of people will die of thirst   
    Blue gold is one of the most precious things we have on this planet..Look how it effects California when it doesn't rain there for months....crops can't grow and there is no water for farm or all other wild animals..
    Northen ChIna around the  Yang see River river has has huge problems with getting enough water to drink...Rivers that come from the Hinmalayian Mountains are drying up slowly because of global warming....
    Most likely the next world war will be over the lack of water for powerful contries people needs..  
      May 31, 2020 3:50 AM MDT

  • 113301
    SAY WHAT D? There are huge underground aqueducts beneath the deserts? I did not know that. Also I did not know that it costs a huge amounts of energy to desalinate. How hard could it be? Of course my experience with desalination pertains to food D. No surprise there. The soup is too salty? Toss a potato or two into it. They will absorb the salt and you will have a tasty soup or stew. Easy peasy to do. How do you desalinate water? Takes more than a potato or two! Thank you for your thoughtful and informative reply. I don't know how many years ago YOU brought this up. The final fight will be over potable water! You are prescient. Without water nothing grows and nothing lives. A body can go weeks without food (depending on how fat the person is) but how long without water? Not very. :)
      May 31, 2020 3:55 AM MDT

  • 14795
    The Aqaducts unders the deserts are vast Rosie...I believe they go all the way across Africa to and are linked underground...Every high rise building,homes industrial buildings shops  in Du'bai has air conditioning they all consume billions of gallons od water for cooling daily...What about those high rise huge hotels to...
    Anerica has underground Aquaducts to...where do you think wells git their water from...?
    To desalinate water you have to boil it and collect the steam and condense it on something cold to turn it  back into water...It's how our Sun makes rain clouds....when the clouds rise that can't hold the water weight in them as as the heat makes them rise  it makes fresh water rain...
    How much energy do you think it takes to boil billions of gallons of water...the hot sun out there obviously helps and is free...but Electricty ,oil or gas or the by produce of atomic reactors ,ie water used to cool its core can all be used to create steam..
    As I think I said before....Bush Senior and junio bought into fresh water Blue Gold years ago....He who owns the water owns the pay up if you going to feel thirsty....or go without if you're poor...:( 
      May 31, 2020 4:36 AM MDT

  • 113301
    No sweetie I DID NOT KNOW A LOT OF THAT. My comment? AARRGGHH! So eventually finally we will die being deprived of what we need to stay alive by the movers and shakers. Our inescapable future if we don't die first of disease or old age or being murdered or "killed" due to an accident or fall off the edge of the world. Not pretty. Thank you for your reply D. SIGH.
      May 31, 2020 4:39 AM MDT

  • 14795
    China will be the next huge problem to the world Rosie needs to trade with the world daily to keep thier people employed and fed....If everyone stopped trading with them today....what do think they would do....They would do what Japan once thought it could do ,but on a much bigger scale..
      May 31, 2020 4:45 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I saw a movie the other day that made me feel very sad D. "30 seconds over Tokyo)" It was supposed to be historically accurate about Jimmy Doolittle and a secret mission during WW2.. The Chinese  people were so helpful to the Americans protecting them from the Japanese. That is what was shown. Now I don't know if that means the Chinese Government was also friendly but I assumed it was because the people didn't fear their government but they feared the Japanese. If China will be a huge problem due to the size of its population then it would have nothing to do with their intellect or talent right?  How do you fault a country for wanting to keep its people alive? I shall ask that question. Thank you for your reply D! :) This post was edited by RosieG at May 31, 2020 6:07 AM MDT
      May 31, 2020 4:57 AM MDT

  • 14795
    You trade with your friends and al help each other's in anyway you can Rosie....The Japenese dropped boxes of fleas infected with a dreadful virus on a city in south ChIna was a test place before they were going to do it to places in America killed countless thousands and to this very day it's still effecting babies being born horricficly deformed  ..Up on the east coast of China, the Japanese had a medical center where they staked Chinese people in filed and infected them with anthrax bombs and shells....They also had a huge medical facility where they experimented using vivisection with no anaesthetic on the Chinese people of that area...In my oppinion and I'm not sure if I'm right...they were far more evil than the Germans and I don't think they have changed that much since WWII..
    To this day ,the rape of women is no big thing...women are not encouraged to complain about it in the land where men are considered Gods...
    Only fairly recently have men got poltry prison sentences for forcing them selves on females...
    I would have thought that China would have been more greatful to the Americans,England India and every country that helped them during the last great war... I would say the same about Russia...With out the aid of America and England and other countries to....what would that country be like if Germany overrun their country...
    There isn't one county on this planet that could servive alone if we ever upset mother nature...
    I don't think that so far away if you think what most humans are doing to this planet daily...
      May 31, 2020 6:31 AM MDT

  • 113301
    We have a friend whose goal is to grow 70% of the food he and his wife consume. They are getting close. We grow lemons. So obviously we can't trade food. They travel a great deal as they are very wealthy. We neither travel nor are we wealthy. We have one other friend who grows oranges. We have oranges free from our neighbor who told to take all the orange we can reach on the tree that hangs over our wall. He has a few other orange trees in his yard. I think trading is fine if you have something of value to trade. At 84 and 82(Jim and Me respectively) what we have to trade is only experience and that is most always unwanted. No one wants to listen to you warn them about something. You need to get there yourself and experience before you get it. SIGH. Thank you for your reply and now a question from this thread.
      June 3, 2020 8:01 AM MDT

  • 14795
    That not true at al have old knowledge of how it was for you as a child growing up to kids both sets of our grandparents told of how things were before...I can vaguely remember my great grandparent to...I will have to ask an see if they were still alive when I was born though..

    All decent people have things to offer ,as we all get older it's more or less knowledge that is the only thing we are able to pass on...
    To this day we are still enthralled with the stories our grandparent often relate things about of how it was before....
    I think it's nice to want things and never really know if you will get them....when you do ,I think waiting makes them far more precious....and should make you look after them more...
      June 3, 2020 8:58 AM MDT

  • 34633
    We keep food. We would make it.  We might not be eating our favorites but we would be eating.
      May 30, 2020 9:32 PM MDT

  • 113301
    The only food we grow? Lemons. Our neighbor has an orange tree that droops over our wall and he told us to pick whatever we could reach. That's it. Eventually I guess we'd run out of food but not right away. I don't know how far in the future it will come to that. We won't be alive. Thank you for your reply m2c. This post was edited by RosieG at May 31, 2020 5:54 AM MDT
      May 31, 2020 1:42 AM MDT