Work out to build muscle lose fat...jog long and hard to tone that body
Plastic surgerize to look handsome/beautiful when born plain
Wear makeup to enhance attract trick
Wear FALSE eyelashes, fingernails, boobs, butts to appear gorgeouser than they were born
Dress up in fancy dancy clothes shoes wraps...designer brand or nothing at all..the better to brag about
Wear eye-catching jewelry VERY PRICEY...Tiffany's anyone?
Wear colored contact lenses to change eye color and improve the sight of the bad eyesight folks
Drive hot cars to be thought of as hot by extension
Live in fancy domes of fancy homes and travel extensively from pillar to post to brag on it
No. All other animal species are born live and die as what they are. No trying to be other than. Simpler. Certainly far more honest. More honorable too?
There ya go.