Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I was asked why I concluded that white supremacists were the troublemakers during the peaceful protests?. "Mere logic" is my answer. WHAT?

I was asked why I concluded that white supremacists were the troublemakers during the peaceful protests?. "Mere logic" is my answer. WHAT?

Who would benefit from it? Not the peaceful protesters. Violence would sabotage undermine vitiate the whole point of the protests.

The left? How would they benefit when they are always protesting the vicious vile evil that donjohnchump promulgates propagates creates? That would be counterproductive and self-defeating. The left does not engage in that purposely purposefully knowingly. That is not their cuppa tea.

So that leaves donjohnchump. He would benefit from violence during peaceful protests most of all. It gives him a reason to BIBLE PROP A PHOTO OP and show how he took control and quelled the violence when in fact he is the reason for it and the only one benefitting from it and the only one enjoying it completely.

Now if logic hurts your head too much don't worry about it. Y'all never employ it anyway. Why start now?

Posted - June 4, 2020


  • 555
    The Far Left and Far Right are both very diverse and it's difficult to make any generalisations about what they would support.

    But elements of both may well be involved in the riots. SOME white nationalists, for instance, may want trouble because it gives them a chance to push their narrative that different races can't peacefully co-exist. Again, SOME elements of the Far Left may want trouble because they hope it will lead to more police violence and repression, which will radicalise people and make them more anti-police and anti-government. In both cases they are fringe elements who don't represent the whole.
      June 5, 2020 12:00 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Oh my goodness Rev. You really BELIEVE that the Left whether far or close really WANTS" trouble because they hope it will lead to more police violence and repression which will radicalise people and make them more anti-police and anti-government?" This is what you truly believe in your heart of hearts? I see. Thank you for your reply and Happy Friday. This post was edited by RosieG at June 5, 2020 2:24 AM MDT
      June 5, 2020 2:23 AM MDT