Hiding deep in the bowels of a heavily fortified WHITE HOUSE the donjohnchump is terrified of engaging with any of the protesters. He has nightmares about it which keeps him awake which is why he is also cranky. No sleep does that to old men who are frightened to death of everything and every one all the time. Sad end to a sad sack or fitting and deserved?
I think without sleep homo saps can go bonkers. He started off bonkers. The lord only knows how far off the deep end the donjohnchump has become since then. GOD only knows and HE ain't sayin'! :)
We are witnessing the beginning of the end… the end of America as we knew it.
A self-proclaimed king is in charge. He fully believes that he is the only law and that he can do whatever he pleases without consequence.
One branch of government, meant to keep him in check, is more worried about keeping their party and being reelected than they are about doing the job they were elected to do.
The other branch has been perverted – by the king and by themselves.
Many citizens blindly obey their king and defend him no matter what. They turn a blind eye to his actions. They refuse to see his illegal, immoral, and dishonest behavior, but instead defend it. They boldly justify his blatant lies by saying that others didn’t hear the lie correctly fake news), or that he is being unfairly treated, or that he has the right to lie.
Corruption is rampant, yet the one who should stand against it (the “king”) actually encourages it.
Civil unrest is growing across the land. The king wants to quash it – at any cost.
Say goodbye to America.
1776-2020 (RIP - Rest In Pieces)