Allegedly our wrongful invasion of Iraq (the gubment at that time purposely LIED TO US) created more terrorists than any single act! Why did bush et al LIE to get us into a wrongful war?
One swell foop of stupidity and cupidity and now we done did unintentionally the worst wrong thing among many worser wronger things.
Gubments always lie to have their way with us. Never to benefit us. Always to benefit some erratic erotic esoteric exotic pedantic romantic frantic ignorant stupid dumb goal of "the powers that be". ALWAYS THAT.
We almost always elect ignoramuses. Anyone know why?
Are other countries' citizens as dependable in voting for the worst of the very worst in their elections as we are? Go for the dumb you can't go wrong? SIGH.
Well y'all done elected worst more evil more idiotic imbecolic insane inane dumb in existence. THAT TAKES REAL TALENT! Congrats to the guilty parties. Gonna do it again are ya? Of course yar.