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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The June 15, 2020 issue of TIME Magazine has around the border 35 names including George Floyd Eric Garner Trayvon Martin. Tip of iceberg?

The June 15, 2020 issue of TIME Magazine has around the border 35 names including George Floyd Eric Garner Trayvon Martin. Tip of iceberg?

"....names of 35 men and women whose deaths in many cases at the hands of the police were the result of systemic racism and helped fuel the rise of the BLACK LIVES MATTER movement....Their names are a fraction of the many more who lost their lives because of the racist violence that has been part of this nation from its start."

The more things change the more they stay the same.

A nation conceived in racism believes in racism promulgates racism is a racist nation. Still. Even now. SAMEOLDSAMEOLDSAMEOLDSAMEOLD.

An abomination or a celebration? Depends on what you are what you believe what you value what you embrace doesn't it?

On the cover is a painting of an African American mother holding her child. How many African American women have held a child that was murdered for simply being?

The death of any child no matter how old is heartbreaking. But the death of a human being due to simply being? In what universe would anyone find purpose in that or meaning or value or logic?

Posted - June 7, 2020


  • 14795
    What about the deaths that are not about racism caused by the police...Why not address the whole issue Rosie...all are as bad as each other...  
    Stand together as one big voice and be more powerful...
    The next thing is,refuse to vote these government criminals back into power ...Why do you have to only vote for wealthy candidates....Find a decent person who's God isn't money to vote for and change things...
    Why is always the big brand names voted in....Vote for a normal working class citizen if you are desperate for honest change...  
      June 7, 2020 4:40 AM MDT

  • 113301
    You cannot digest address the WHOLE of anything D. A trip of one thousand miles begins with the FIRST STEP. You chip away at it a bite at a time and never stop chipping away at it. EVER. No matter the threats or intimidate or danger. You chip away chip away chip away chip away chip away. I am chipping away at RACISM specifically that which is focused on African Americans and their treatment in the alleged greatest nation on earth (bullsh**). I am a first-general AMerican. This is my country because my parents and grandparents CHOSE TO COME HERE FOR A BETTER LIFE. I can only address that with which I am familiar. You tackle whatever you want D. I am doing the very best I can. I will take care of my part and you take care of yours. Okey dokey? Thank you for your reply.
      June 7, 2020 4:52 AM MDT

  • 14795
    If you only focus on one ,then they ones that do it might just change tactics Rosie and choose another race to pick on...
    We have problems in England with Muslins wanting to bring their religious belief to England parts of London they attack girls for wearing the cloths they like ,having a drink and enjoying life...they have done and still do terrible things to female that are making their way home late at night...
    They are just religious freaks that think they are gods and above English law..When caught .no one in our government does much to them..
    I do understand what you mean , but only addressing one part of it is not the answer I think...if you don't make it fair for all....then it will happen to another group of people next.... 
      June 7, 2020 9:23 AM MDT