In front of St. John's Church no less chump committed BLASPHEMY waving a BIBLE about as no one DECENT human being ever has. As if he WERE a snake oil salesman shilling and lying to hook people to believe his lies. A picture is better than a thousand words. He sunk himself at that moment.
So allegedly there is a "softening" in support for some evangelicals. "SOFTENING"? After dumbdon committed BLASPHEMY there is a "softening"? Geez. Sheesh. What will it take to abandon the bum for evangelicals? HOW DARE THEY PRETEND to be part of the religious community when every excuse they make for him is yet another BLASPHEMOUS attack on GOD? Seriously folks there is spinach in your teeth and your slip is showing. GET A GRIP. Face up to it. You have supported a blasphemous loser. Cut your ties or drown with him. Your choice. GUESS WHO IS WATCHING TO SEE WHAT CHOICE YOU MAKE? GUESS?