That is an unknown that remains to be seen. Many may NOT vote for him but NOT say anything and pretend all is well. All is NOT well among Republicans. Of course the tumbleweed base is unshakable. But whaddabout all Republican pols in the HOUSE and the SENATE? The more religious among them..truly religious not fakes and phonies...can't in good conscience re-elect such a sham of a depraved degenerate human being.
It is possible tumbleweed will lose by the greatest margin in history which he will refuse to accept and fight tooth and nail. He finds anything to do with truth and justice inedible untenable and not his cuppa tea.
We shall see.
Balancing that out will be all the infiltration and rigging by hostile foreign sources and domestic white supremacists all of whom are focused on getting tumbleweed re-elected BY ANY MEANS POSSIBLE.
A fight between good and evil. If good wins bye bye tumbleweed. If evil wins 4 more years even worse than those we have lived through. SIGH.